Thursday, January 23, 2014

For those who do overhead shrugs....

For those who do overhead shrugs....

How much weight do you use? Just curious....

95-135 for sets of 20

Sounds dangerous.

timberwolf How much weight do you use? Just curious.... If your shoulder is hurting then this is a movement I would advise against.

i did them once, and Mr. Rotator Cuff was like " what the hell you doin crazy ass cracka! "

christophers i have never had any rotator issues thx benching properly and not much overhead pressing damn you christophers, damn you to hell...

christophers and no its not cuz of gear, since this gym doesnt use gear often at all. ive never seen a bottle of test squat a grand.

Jeg1983 95-135 for sets of 20 .

Dangerous, unneeded, easily replaced exercise < *

ive been using DBs, 45 lbs each

SteveO ive been using DBs, 45 lbs each Arms locked or not? I assume its limited range of motion?

cbrpimp hold barbell with weight on it above head, and shrug. bloody hell

timberwolf Arms locked or not? I assume its limited range of motion? I lock my arms Yea you don't have a large ROM when doing these

timberwolf Arms locked or not? I assume its limited range of motion? not locked, slight bend

sounds scary, i've never even thought of doing shrugs with weight above you. why would you?

My rotator cuffs punch me in the face when I try it. I've had rotator cuff issues since before I started lifting

overhead shrugs scare me

overhead squats scare me more

Mass ive never seen a bottle of test squat a grand. wrong gear dummy

I usually do a few sets of 20 with 95lbs or so to get warmed up before moving on to DB/BB shrugs.

why in the world would anyone do that? unless youre looking to get injured.

Patrick Bateman why in the world would anyone do that? unless youre looking to get injured. some people want to get big.

I do 25lbs each side of a barbell for 20 reps. I don't lock my arms or else it's too awkward to shrug but pretty close. i love these because they don't kill my hands like normal shrugs

christophers i know i feel bad, but nobody listens to me. we have tons of injuries at my gym. but the one thing we dont have much of is rotator issues, and weh ave 600+ raw benchers. and no its not cuz of gear, since this gym doesnt use gear often at all. its cuz we dont bench with elbows out and we dont overhead press very often. most overhead press once every 2-4 weeks. wait a second...overhead pressed every 2 - 4 weeks? How the hell are you supposed to get big doing that?

christophers since when are overhead presses a requirement to get big gutrat? i know of quite a few pro bodybuilders who do 0 overhead pressing. theres 300+ men at my gym who bench 700+ who do 0 overhead pressing. theres many movements that will give shoulder hypertrophy w/o the neccesary risks of overhead pressing. i know, i know, i know. you guys all know someone who has been overhead pressing for 20 years with no problems. and for that one person i know 15+ who have shoulder issues because of tons of overhead work and elbows out benching. please tell me you meant 30 people or I'm gonna cry and move to cali and go to your gym

For those who do overhead shrugs....



Bigger quads.

spring breaker


Conventional vs Sumo?

Conventional vs Sumo?

Should I be doing both or just stick with one?


so no advantages in switching around now and again?

i cant do conventional, my arms are too short or something

i think sumo is saposed to better mechanically, but it takes alot of practice to get the form down and such. I can pull prettty much the same with both.

thanks man, conventional is a cluster fuck for me at the moment. my gangly legs are all up in there like spaghetti.

I don't know. I'm 6'1, should conventional be easier? It seems like I can lift more with sumo. And it tires out a different part of my back -- am I crazy?

how close is everyone's legs on conventional? My feet are about 6 inches apart, and my arms are right outside my legs.

I put my feet a little less than shoulder width I dont know if I am doing them right or wrong though. I really regret joining the gym I did. And I am just doing conventional as i dont know how to do Sumo at all.

christophers take recorsd on both i pull conv, but i do sumo's for max effort day a lot but i always do speed deads with conv what bodily aspects would be more advantageous for a sumo lift? eg. is it generally suited better to tall guys?

I switch up. I still do some form of deadlift almost every squat/dead day, so to keep from getting stale I do all kinds of variations.

I usually do conventional when training but I've always been able to pull more with sumo.

On DL's I do conv. Seem to be able to get more drive that way, even if I have to pull it higher. On squats I do sumo because it feels more stable and easier on my knees

I have only done conventional.

i squat both and pull sumo right now my conv squat is higher than my wide stance which i am trying to change

I love it.

ajahhahaha wtf bend me over and call me alfred

christophers this is what i think about sumo i share the same view as jeff ace of base playing in the background

christophers hes stronger than you, maybe hes onto something Apparently not, cuz I listen to that sometimes too

christophers That guy seems hilarious, and the garage gym looks pretty awesome

my football coaches always taught us to do sumo, so thats how i've been doin it since. today i tried conventional for the first time, and i absolutely loved it, much better than sumo.


I've done conventional when I first started and saw great gains when I switched to sumo, my weight lowered a bit, but it shot back up in no time. I think sumo helps prevent people from cheating. Now, I can do the same, if not more, with sumo than with conventional

Conventional vs Sumo?

olympic lifting and the vertical jump

olympic lifting and the vertical jump

id say its a direct correlation...if u can snatch 170kg @ 85kg bodyweight... dont know if u can see this if u can o well lol

reminds me of Street Fighter with GameGenie

holy shit.

unfortunately, hes only 4'9, so he has no real use in bball...

spudd web in 86 nba dunk contest..360.... and no pyrros aint 4'9"

Itsa me, luigi.

more: can anyone name this guy:

it looks like he dropped the weight and the floor sprung back, launching him into the air


fuck are those guys lifting on bouncy floor or some shit. those jumps look unreal.

synthetic is just another troll, he was in ceazes vids thread and here he goes again.

kinda ot but where can I buy those flat oly shoes they are wearing? always wanted to try some of those.

olympic lifting and the vertical jump

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bulk Nutrition is having a sale

Bulk Nutrition is having a sale

1fast400 These should start sunday. If we can hit the next price teir on these items these prices will remain constant. AAKG 1000g 59.99 200g 14.99 phenibut 15.99 30g 39.99 100g 170.00 500g CM 75g 9.99 200g 19.99 500g 44.99 CEE 5.99 100g 19.99 500g 34.99 1000g ALCAR 6.99 75g 24.99 500g 47.99 1000g BCAA's 22.99 500g bcaa/cm combo 29.99 (500g+75g cm) gaba 4.99 100g evodimine 24.99 25g .

Get some CEE..

Creatine Ethyl Ester


Thanks for the post, I've been thinking about trying their ALCAR. ALCAR is Acetyl-L-carnitine may help with fat loss boost energy help with memory and concentration. May being the operative word. I've been taking 500 mg a day and do seem to notice some differences.

Bulk Nutrition is having a sale

slim jims ok for atkins diet?

slim jims ok for atkins diet?

I want to start the atkins diet, but I only know the basics, like no bread. Are slim jims accetable?

read more

OverLamer calories out > calories in

If you really want to do Atkins proper, go buy the book. I would suggest looking more into a standard "good" nutritional base and exercise first though.

kingmagus I want to start the atkins diet, but I only know the basics, like no bread. Are slim jims accetable? Atkins is the stupidest diet ever the body needs carbs

Why don't you actually do a little research on a diet before you start it?

PorscheRacer Atkins is the stupidest diet ever the body needs carbs Technically the body does need carbs but it doesn't need dietary carbs, it is capable of creating enough glucose on it's own to supply the parts that need it from other substances.

Don't go on the atkins diet. There is no magical way to lose weight quickly. Do cardio every single day. Lift weights every single day, and just watch what you eat.

PorscheRacer Atkins is the stupidest diet ever the body needs carbs Actually, it doesn't.

Your body just runs better with carbs. If you want to feel shitty, go right ahead. But don't come crawling back when you pass out and hit your head on the sidewalk. Oh, yeah, and once your off the diet -- the weight usually comes back.

brolli Don't go on the atkins diet. There is no magical way to lose weight quickly. Do cardio every single day. Lift weights every single day, and just watch what you eat.

superbri007 slim jims aren't good for any diet

brolli Don't go on the atkins diet. There is no magical way to lose weight quickly. Do cardio every single day. Lift weights every single day, and just watch what you eat. i tried atkins for a couple weeks and lost a measly 4 pounds. Then i just went on a low calorie diet and added cardio to my workout (as opposed to just lifting) and in a little more than a month ive lost nearly 20 pounds And that was with a couple days off that set my diet back like 4 days basically all im doing is eating a sald for one meal and just a normal sized meal for the other. no snacks, only diet sodas. ive also started to get meal bars which help (in replacement for a meal, not as a snack fatty)

slim jims ok for atkins diet?

heres me lets see how i progress

heres me lets see how i progress

please feel free to comment... open to ALOT of suggestions i rep at 185 for bench... im 5'11 weigh 173... been eating a lot of food so i look fatter... im attempting to bulk some...

by the way i dunno how to pose... so sorry...

scrawny boy i am

lots and lots of back work.


no advice givers?

Grouch lots and lots of work. fixed. Eat big, and get a good program that meets ur needs/goals.

vettedude fixed. Eat big, and get a good program that meets ur needs/goals. well i just started back like a month or so ago before i broke my collar bone so i didnt do anything for a long time...

should i cut or keep bulking?

XsLiCk should i cut or keep bulking? god no, keep bulking

how old are you

i dont see how you are reppin 185 on the bench, u have no chest at all

TheChosen i dont see how you are reppin 185 on the bench, u have no chest at all BB bench doesn't involve all that much chest strength.

XsLiCk please feel free to comment... open to ALOT of suggestions i rep at 185 for bench... im 5'11 weigh 173... been eating a lot of food so i look fatter... im attempting to bulk some... Add about 20 lbs of fat and subtract about 50lbs from your bench and that is about where I started.

ACURA TL-S BB bench doesn't involve all that much chest strength. Is this a tru story?

heres me lets see how i progress

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