Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fittness suggestions for the broke!!

Fittness suggestions for the broke!!

I know it sounds silly but i am on a tight budget right now and couldn't afford the sky rocketing membership rates at the only gym in my smallville. so i bought a simple bench, a crow bar.... i was shopping for a used eliptical or a treadmill (which i cant afford anyways) to do my cardiac part,that way i figured i would have a complete gym and wont need to pay $60 a month for a stupid gym.. Well i just read the "want to lose fat? L I F T W E I G H T S " mega thread and thought maybe i wont need an Eliptical or a treadmill if i just bench press or life wight everyday... So could someone please tell me if i can get reduce a little fat i have around my abdominal area and build up muscle in chest, biceps, shoulders and back by doing X number of bench presses a day?? This is what i have at home... I appreciate you all.. Thanks

Why the fuck did you buy a crowbar?

nathanbx Why the fuck did you buy a crowbar? I am a newbie man,,,, i just bought it because its easier to get a grib of... but is it a bad deal though??

1. Run or bike outside for cardio. 2. When done, come inside and do sit ups and push ups for muscle work. When you're used to that, you can get a little more creative with your workouts.

you could do curls, tricep kick backs/extensions/skull crushers, bench/incline press, military press, side/front/back raises for delts. dumbbell rows for back and even deadlifts. if you're not wanting to get huge or anything you should be good with this. it'll help you get into shape. also you should run/bike outside like davo said. watch your diet too! should help you to find any workout you want to do with anything in that weight set. im sure it wouldnt be hard to come up with a workout for you, if you think you could put in 1 - 1.5 hours, 4 times a week?

yeah man, get outside and hit the streets. run until you want to die about 3x a week. maybe put the crowbar to use and steal some hubcaps or something

ryazbeck you could do curls, tricep kick backs/extensions/skull crushers, bench/incline press, military press, side/front/back raises for delts. dumbbell rows for back and even deadlifts. if you're not wanting to get huge or anything you should be good with this. it'll help you get into shape. also you should run/bike outside like davo said. watch your diet too! should help you to find any workout you want to do with anything in that weight set. im sure it wouldnt be hard to come up with a workout for you, if you think you could put in 1 - 1.5 hours, 4 times a week? I cant run for shit, i have a very bad knee and it hurts real bad when i do a little running or even biking!! any other suggestions there?? thanks

L I F T W E I G H T S. you got enough in your house there to burn off fat. can you workout as much as i said?

Do you seriously mean a crowbar?

ryazbeck L I F T W E I G H T S. you got enough in your house there to burn off fat. can you workout as much as i said? I really hate to sound like an ignorant here ryzbeck but i dont understand the excersises you mentioned, i'd have to see them in order to know how to work em out!!!

i gave you a link to look up workouts.

I think you mean an EZcurl bar, not a crow bar. BTW, with the weights pictured you arent going to be able to do much. Just man up and get a gym membership.

Dude.... Crowbar: Curlbar: Slightly different

ACURA TL-S Just man up and get a gym membership. not having disposable income doesn't make him less of a man. gym membership costs $400+ a year. If he's tight on budget, he can scrape by a decent setup that'll do 90% of what he needs for $400

i just have a set of weights, and just lift that, in different combinations. So I pretty much just do that and it seems to work

KetchupKing not having disposable income doesn't make him less of a man. gym membership costs $400+ a year. If he's tight on budget, he can scrape by a decent setup that'll do 90% of what he needs for $400 Not for $400 he can't.

if he buys used he can. Especially this time of year when the college kids are heading home, and needs to get rid of their stuff. Even if he buys new.. $250 rack $100 weight set he'll be able to do all the free weight stuff. He should have about 400lb in weights and just about everything he needs to bench squat deadlift etc

KetchupKing if he buys used he can. Especially this time of year when the college kids are heading home, and needs to get rid of their stuff. Even if he buys new.. $250 rack $100 weight set he'll be able to do all the free weight stuff. He should have about 400lb in weights and just about everything he needs to bench squat deadlift etc I don't know where you are planning on getting 400lbs in weights for $100. And he will also need a bench to match that rack.

I see 300lb sets selling for $99 in lots of places. He's got about 100lbs there. He already has a bench he can use

ACURA TL-S Not for $400 he can't. I made huge gains in my basement with under $400 of equipment

ACURA TL-S I don't know where you are planning on getting 400lbs in weights for $100. And he will also need a bench to match that rack. i do have a bench already.. and yeah no one's manhood is determind by their finacial ability.. at this point of time i am spendnig my money on things that are more important to me.. i gave you a link to look up workouts. i really like that site man, do you know of any similar websites ?? thanks

So if you can't do any running or biking because of your knee, why were you looking to buy a treadmill or elliptical? In any sense, with that bench and a good set of dumbbells you should be able to get something going. Keep in mind nothing is free, including weight lifting. Exercise for just about every part you can think of. Their form, like exrx, isn't always great though, so don't treat either as a bible. As for cardio.... you can always do jump rope or bunny hops. They'll get your heart up better than any cardio machine, and are easier on your knees. I think bunny hops are way underrated. The basic Bunny Hop is done by: Starting with your feet shoulder-width apart, legs straight but not locked. With your arms bent slightly at your sides and your forearms facing your body, bend at your knees to sit into a squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Swing your arms behind you and tighten your abdominal. Then at the same time swing your arms forward and push off the floor with your feet, straightening your legs and jumping as far forward as you can. Land softly so your muscles take the shock and not your joints. Continue in a straight line until you have done 8-10 hops. This variation will help with not only strength and toning but with lateral jumping ability for athletes. My favourite variation is with my butt all the way down, then mini-jump up until my knees are parallel. You can try different combinations every dozen hops or so, otherwise it'll get boring after awhile.

Throw some plates on that side of that "crowbar", put it on your back and walk around the neighborhood doing lunges.. make sure to scream LYTEW8!!!!!!!!!!!

^^^ many thanks..

Fittness suggestions for the broke!!

Woot! My pants aren't fitting any more!

Woot! My pants aren't fitting any more!

Starting to need belts on all my pants. All i do is go to the gym about 2 or 3 times a week ( on a good week ) and only have 1 or 2 meals a day and lots of water. Yea, i know thats not the best method, but it works and i'll take it.

Why only one or two meals a day??

Same here actually .. yesterday was the first day I actually noticed it. Got a few pairs of 32's I'd love to fit back into and at this rate it'll happen by next week

good stuff...keep it up if its working

Elfling Why only one or two meals a day?? No time or mone.y

congrats to ya

Congrats! First are the jeans, then the sweat pants seem to need to be tightened a bit more and then finally the underwear don't seem to fit as snug and aren't as tight.

N.A Honda Congrats! First are the jeans, then the sweat pants seem to need to be tightened a bit more and then finally the underwear don't seem to fit as snug and aren't as tight. I'm loathing the new wardrobe i'll have to spend money on, tho it will be nice to not actually HUNT for nice looking clothes. Im currently at the size thats not quite normal, and not quite big & tall.

Bulking > * I grave up when baggy clothes were in. Now i'm growing into them No new clothes needed Congrats though... i was so excited when I managed to fit into size 30 jeans without needing a belt... you must be the same way

KetchupKing Bulking > * I grave up when baggy clothes were in. Now i'm growing into them No new clothes needed Congrats though... i was so excited when I managed to fit into size 30 jeans without needing a belt... you must be the same way I need to lose fat first. Im doing that through weights.

Instead of eating 2 meals a day, you should really be eating at least 4-5 smaller ones. Trust me, it helps a lot. When you only eat twice a day (breakfast and dinner) your body is going to store all those unused calories as fat. If your body is constantly taking in calories spread throughout the day it won't bother storing those calories and will expend them because there's a constant supply of energy coming in. It's just better.

xpinchx Instead of eating 2 meals a day, you should really be eating at least 4-5 smaller ones. Trust me, it helps a lot. When you only eat twice a day (breakfast and dinner) your body is going to store all those unused calories as fat. If your body is constantly taking in calories spread throughout the day it won't bother storing those calories and will expend them because there's a constant supply of energy coming in. It's just better. i try. I need to get back on my oatmeal/banana/cottage cheese/tuna routine.

who read "parents aren't fighting anymore?"

Woot! My pants aren't fitting any more!

where do you brolys purchase supplements etc

where do you brolys purchase supplements etc

any trustworthy sites ?

Peal any site that sells a whole variety of stuff ?


iherb. i got my order the next day

1fast400 is pretty good too

1fast/bulk almost always unless I'm direct ordering from Avant or something like that. is pretty good too.

pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source Mike is a class act. I would still buy from there even if it's a dollar or two more. order before 3pm and spend over $40, and they over night it to you FREE! (other than ordering on weekends... orders placed on weekends will go out on Monday, thus... arriving on Tuesday), but I don't know if it applies to Hawaii and Alaska. ...and if you don't see something on their site... call the "888" number.

I ran out of whey today and didn't want to wait a couple days, so I just went to a Vitaminne Shop by my house. Bought a 5lb ON Whey for 30 bucks, and they had a shit load of stuff there. I'ld highly recommend purchasing form there if you need your supplements right away, the prices are decent, plus you get 5% back at the end of they year on your purchases.

GNC with a 20% discount and


I buy all at Green and Barrets (a shop here in UK) I have my standard list I've been using for awhile: Vitamin-B Complex Multivitamin and mineral Vitamin C Vitamin E Glutamine Co Enzyme Q 10 Calcium I may start on the creatine, soon but the fact I'd need to drink hell of amounts of water is really the only thing stopping me they give you a lot for your money.

pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source .

from this guy larry.. he sells me WHEY every sunday morning in the dark corners of boston. tell him jonno sent ya

jonno from this guy larry.. he sells me WHEY every sunday morning in the dark corners of boston. tell him jonno sent ya Yeah you told me that he gives you free protein shakes, all you have to do is close your eyes and suck it out of a hose.

BuckNut GNC with a 20% discount that will be soon for me to seeing as im about to get employed there.

cavefish Yeah you told me that he gives you free protein shakes, all you have to do is close your eyes and suck it out of a hose.

where do you brolys purchase supplements etc

Critique My Meal Plan & Routine: 17 yrs old

Critique My Meal Plan & Routine: 17 yrs old

Hey my name is Dex. I am 17 years old, 135 lbs and have been working out for a while. I would consider my self to be more of a "fitness guy" with a lean body. I am definitely a runner but and I am looking to keep basically the same frame. However, even though I want to stay lean and skinny, I would like to up my mass from 135 to 160 lbs, adding 25 lbs of muscle. Currently right now I do have a 6 pack and there are minimal cuts, but you can easily see that I am a skinny mofo. Anyways, this took me a while to do and the nutritional information comes from calculators and the actual products' nutritional information. All information has been adjusted accordingly to the serving. As for the calories burned, it has come from calorie burning calculators: My Meal Plan My Calories Burnt Thanks guys, I really appreciate this.

horrible... just horrible... You're burning more than you're eating, and you want to gain weight? More protein, more carbs, more fat

if you want to gain weight double the cals and cut the cardio

not enough intake for weight gainage.

You're trying to gain weight? Seriously, just sit down and look at your diet and "routine" there. You're eating <2,000 calories and burning about 1,800 calories per day (not including the calories you burn just by sitting around/walking/sleeping.) I don't know how tall you are, but 135 lbs is very lightweight no matter how tall you are unless you're a midget. 25 lbs of muscle is a big goal and you won't accomplish this by eating like a girl and running all day. Sorry, but that's the truth. You should be eating 5-6 meals a day and getting about 3x as many calories and a lot more protein. Order some whey and put together some protein shakes and load up on protein in the morning and pre/post workout. Stop doing cardio, you don't need to lose fat. Start lifting lots of weights. You may want to meet up with a personal trainer at a gym before you start a real routine. Anyway, you have lots of work to do. Start fishing around in the F&N Archives (link) . Also, here are a few threads you should fine particularly interesting: Noob Thread Revived!!!1 <- **For the love of god can we get a sticky** Newbie Guide to Bulking: Official noob links. Everything you need to know is right here. Good luck. Post less, lurk more. ps I like how you have your running regimine half in kmh and half in mph.

Eat like crazy. No cardio for you.

Just out of curiosity, how tall are you? Anyway, if you want to gain weight you need to eat more calories than you expend. If you're not willing to sacrifice some fat gain for overall weight gain, you're going to make very slow progress or no progress at all

want fat? please take some of mine.

1800 calories won't do shit to go from 135 to 160... I'm 155lbs right now eating 3700cals and I'm having problems to eat 3700...imagine 4.5k-6k like so people here do

RenaultFreak 1800 calories won't do shit to go from 135 to 160... I'm 155lbs right now eating 3700cals and I'm having problems to eat 3700...imagine 4.5k-6k like so people here do Its easy. I probably shouldnt really be eating this much but its not like I'm afraid of a little extra gut. My gf likes to use it as a pillow.

Up All Night Just out of curiosity, how tall are you? Anyway, if you want to gain weight you need to eat more calories than you expend. If you're not willing to sacrifice some fat gain for overall weight gain, you're going to make very slow progress or no progress at all I am 5'8. The thing that I am wondering about is if it is possible to continue with all the running and stuff and gain only muscle? To do this I am guessing I am going to need a shit load of protein.

dexterium I am 5'8. The thing that I am wondering about is if it is possible to continue with all the running and stuff and gain only muscle? To do this I am guessing I am going to need a shit load of protein. For the sake of simplification, no. You need to run ALOT less (running is obviously a priority for you, so don't cut it out) and get into the gym. Forget about getting alot more protein, you need to eat alot more period. Right now you want to gain 25lbs (of muscle), but are doing nothing about it and looking for a way to gain muscle without getting fat or going to the gym, it's not going to work. I'm 17, 6'2, I went from 165lbs, alot of cardio, barely eating to 190(25lb gain), barely any cardio, eating 4k-5k in 6months, and it's not all muscle, but I honestly don't look fat. You need to decide whether you're going to gain your weight and in the process get stronger and healthier or stay skinny. Edit: Actually, you're eating all the protein you really need right now, just eat more in general.

ralyks For the sake of simplification, no. You need to run ALOT less (running is obviously a priority for you, so don't cut it out) and get into the gym. Forget about getting alot more protein, you need to eat alot more period. Right now you want to gain 25lbs (of muscle), but are doing nothing about it and looking for a way to gain muscle without getting fat or going to the gym, it's not going to work. I'm 17, 6'2, I went from 165lbs, alot of cardio, barely eating to 190(25lb gain), barely any cardio, eating 4k-5k in 6months, and it's not all muscle, but I honestly don't look fat. You need to decide whether you're going to gain your weight and in the process get stronger and healthier or stay skinny. Edit: Actually, you're eating all the protein you really need right now, just eat more in general. So If I wanted to do this rather slow and still keep a good lean frame with a low % of body fat, should I up my calories to 2000?

dexterium So If I wanted to do this rather slow and still keep a good lean frame with a low % of body fat, should I up my calories to 2000? That's still not enough.

dexterium So If I wanted to do this rather slow and still keep a good lean frame with a low % of body fat, should I up my calories to 2000? If you want to keep a good lean fream with low % body fat, and put on 25lbs, it will probably take you 20 years. Timberwolf put on lean body mass slowly, and I can tell you you won't gain nearly as fast him. Upping to 2000 calories will do nothing, like cbrpimp said you are probably burning 3500 calories per day. Either start eating more and get into the gym, or accept your life as a skinny runner.

There's your inspiration.

omfGOODDDD you stfu and eat atleast 6000 cal and stop jogging, thats for mums and fags oh fuck and I dred to see your fucking 'workout'

Peal omfGOODDDD you stfu and eat atleast 6000 cal and stop jogging, thats for mums and fags oh fuck and I dred to see your fucking 'workout'

You can continue running, but if you are running that much you need to figure that your body burns another 1500-2000 calories a day and you need to be eating at least 4k a day to put on weight. You also need to get a routine, you will not put on any muscle doing what you do now.

your 17...go out an play, enjoy life

For now, I am going to up my calorie intake to 2200 and I will see how I feel after a few weeks of this. I will continue to up my calories if necessary. My main concern is keeping my 6 pack.

dexterium For now, I am going to up my calorie intake to 2200 and I will see how I feel after a few weeks of this. I will continue to up my calories if necessary. My main concern is keeping my 6 pack. Are you retarded, seriously?

dexterium For now, I am going to up my calorie intake to 2200 and I will see how I feel after a few weeks of this. I will continue to up my calories if necessary. My main concern is keeping my 6 pack. If it's all about the six pack then you're not really going to get very far.

Well, is there a meal plan out there to keep my 6 pack and gain muscle at the same time? lol

Critique My Meal Plan & Routine: 17 yrs old

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"Do you have a tapeworm?"

"Do you have a tapeworm?"

People are so fucking dumb. I hear this shit at least twice a day.

It is a great way to lose weight :P

sire It is a great way to lose weight :P hell no

tize why do you hear that? are you super skinny or something/ Super skinny and eat like a horse. bulking>*

my mommy says that to me

everyone on the internet says it to me

I actually did once have one. I used to eat sushi like every other day.

sr20wop my mommy says that to me mine used to. thank god that doesnt happen anymore. now she just asks me when i'm gonna grow tits

~*Pogovina*~ now she just asks me when i'm gonna grow tits

sr20wop .

sr20wop it's funny cause it's true

timberwolf I actually did once have one. I used to eat sushi like every other day. ughhh....what did you get super hungry all of a sudden?

quickone ughhh....what did you get super hungry all of a sudden? No, not at all. Let's just say I found it... in the toilet. I don't really feel like reliving that moment.

timberwolf I actually did once have one. I used to eat sushi like every other day. Any weird symptoms? Some of my friends can't believe that I spend over $120 every couple of months or so when my wife and I have sushi, but I think it's very important to ensure the fish is fresh, high quality, and a proper sashimi cut. The taste is a world of difference too.

7th Ninjai Any weird symptoms? Some of my friends can't believe that I spend over $120 every couple of months or so when my wife and I have sushi, but I think it's very important to ensure the fish is fresh, high quality, and a proper sashimi cut. The taste is a world of difference too. Not really. No symptoms I was aware off. They passed a new law in Canada recently that prohibits fresh fish being used... it has to have been frozen for at least 2 weeks I believe.

Back in the day when I had stomach problems that prevented eating for certain periods of time I used to tell people that "something was eating my tapeworm."

Tapeworm is acting up


"Do you have a tapeworm?"

10lb ab ball...looks like a nike basketball? made by nike

10lb ab ball...looks like a nike basketball? made by nike

anyone knwo where I can find thsi thing? They have one at the gym, but its a members and he keeps it behind the counter. I want one of my own it looks just like a basketball, but it whey's 10lbs...any ideas?

EDIT: Damn, beat me to it.

i have seen it at dick's sporting goods


damn thats expensive for a ball that weighs 10 pounds, thats nike for ya!

why would you get a medicine ball if it didnt look cool? only a dumb ass would do that.

Mike McDermott It's just a medicine ball. . EDIT- Actually, that Nike ball looks kinda cool though.

christophers just get a medicine ball.. wont be blue and with a kewl nike tag, but cheaper

stupid shit...its not just for crap like a medicine ball would be for. I'm gonna work on my free throw....I'll be able to chuck it from 300 yards afterward $29.95 blue and black.... thats what I roll with...29 bux- get the 15 pounder and use a sharpee to write nike on it.

Or if you want to spend alot of money, here is a baller 25 pound ball :

elitefts has medicine balls up to 75 lbs

Filmboy44 stupid shit...its not just for crap like a medicine ball would be for. I'm gonna work on my free throw....I'll be able to chuck it from 300 yards afterward that thing will do more harm than good for your free throw

i got my 12lb medicine ball on sale at copelands for $20

A good article, while we're on the topic...

10lb ab ball...looks like a nike basketball? made by nike

50 cents was working out at my gym...

50 cents was working out at my gym...

Had these two bodygaurds lingering around at all times. He looks in pretty good shape though he had this large shirt on. Works harder than Wahlberg did that's for sure. Goes by 70 cents here in Canada.

Pfft.. 50 Cents... more like a wooden nickel...

dude is one big guy..

J-Unit dude is one big guy.. I wouldn't call him a big guy. Definitely looks in shape. I'm only going by when he lifted his sleeves so...

Did you ask him if hes done with those 50's?

timberwolf I wouldn't call him a big guy. Definitely looks in shape. I'm only going by when he lifted his sleeves so... how tall would you say he is? and how much did it looked like he weighed? when you see him on tv he looks kinda bg ok shape but sometimes it looks like he has bitch tits

Were his bodygaurds lifting too, or were they just obese?

isnt it 50 cent...not cents...that just sounds funny to me

gsteclipse97 how tall would you say he is? and how much did it looked like he weighed? when you see him on tv he looks kinda bg ok shape but sometimes it looks like he has bitch tits Possibly 6 feet tall. I never stood close to him. No idea how his legs look but I would think 190-200 at most. Of course Wahlberg said he weighed 190 at 5'7" and 50 cents does look bigger.

Socrates Were his bodygaurds lifting too, or were they just obese? Just hanging around. These 2 bald white guys.

nic379 isnt it 50 cent...not cents...that just sounds funny to me

how was his form? i always wonder if celebrities really know what they're doing

what was his routine like? was he westsiding, or should I say, east coasting it?

Didn't pay attention too much. Just saw him doing inclines... on the smith machine!

How is he not dead? Worthless waste of space IMO. Oh wells. You should go bust a flex on him. If his guards don't pop you, maybe you could be in the next video with him and whitey.

He has been shot numerous times, I wonder if he keeps his shirt on so nobody will see his bullet scars? (Assuming they edit them out on professional pictures)

Ggggg - Unitttttttttt

trancezj How is he not dead? Worthless waste of space IMO. Oh wells. You should go bust a flex on him. If his guards don't pop you, maybe you could be in the next video with him and whitey. I used to think about that actually. I mean knocking out a celebrity. Since I like living I'll pass on 50 cent and wait for the next one. Might land me a roll like the guy who punched out Van Damme or better yet, a reality show. Of course being on OT this much doesn't make for exciting reality tv.

<--- man boobies?soliddd

i need a necklace like that

yeah he's a gansta all right

ChosenGSR i need a necklace like that Wouldn't need to do shrugs then.

J-Unit dude is one big guy..

neegros with tats is like camo... they look more camofauge(sp?) then they do from the factory.

50 cents was working out at my gym...

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