Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Injured again v.mylifesucks

Injured again v.mylifesucks

Well, about a year ago i was doing deadlifts, i was on my 4th set and was trying to go huge, on my 6th rep i felt a pinch in my lower spine. About an hour later i could barely walk i was in so much pain. It took me 5 minutes just to tie my shoes for weeks. After TONS of money spent on physical therapy and chiropractors, i finally was getting back on track. I had lots of xrays and scans done and it was determined that i damaged a lot of muscle tissue in my lower back. That was 1 year ago. 2 days ago i was doing squats, last week i did 365 for 6 reps on my 4th set, so i was going to do the same this week, i always keep good form, but i feel that my long torso (im 6'2"), puts a lot of pressure on my lower back no matter how hard i try. And on my 3rd rep i felt the same feeling i felt a year ago. The pain is pretty much 24/7, when i sit, walk, try to bend down, brush my teeth, etc. So now my back is totaly fucked again, all that money and rehab and physical therapy for nothing. I will never do deadlifts or squats again, no matter how perfect my form is, this shit always seems to happen, and its not worth tearing my lower back again. Sorry just had to rant

Sorry man. Hope it gets better faster than last time..

i can't do them either. Some people just weren't made to DL

I feel where you're coming from...I fucked up my back putting in an air conditioner last summer (I had before doing deads but it always got better), and it was fairly constant pain since then...it started getting better, and then i hurt my lower back again doing squats. just recently went to the dr, he thinks its a muscular thing. starting physical therapy next month

yeah I fucked my back up along time ago and it seems to be getting better now, I just hope it improves in a hurry cuz I feel like a fucking douche doing curls and extensions

velamint I feel where you're coming from...I fucked up my back putting in an air conditioner last summer (I had before doing deads but it always got better), and it was fairly constant pain since then...it started getting better, and then i hurt my lower back again doing squats. just recently went to the dr, he thinks its a muscular thing. starting physical therapy next month Good luck man, the physical therapy got way to expensive for me, i spent 300$ in 1 month. I first went to a chiro, but i realized that it was bullshit, he tried to feed me a line "My job is to keep your lower back and spine alligned while your tendons and muscle tissue heal" ...what a crock of shit, i didnt feel any improvement from going to him. The stretches work really good, but i think it really just takes time, even though it had been a year, i was still careful, i still have never done deadlifts since the first time, i would have never thought that squats would have been the thing to re-tear my back again.

do you wear a belt?

at least u know what messed up ur back. i'm still clueless as to how i injured mine cuz i haven't done a max attempt on squats or deadlifts this year

The same thing happened to me doing squats about 4 months ago, I took a week break with muscle relaxers, anti-inflams, stretching.. haven't had the pain since. You just need to take it easy on the weight.

Ceaze do you wear a belt? i have one, but never wear it.

PreemO at least u know what messed up ur back. i'm still clueless as to how i injured mine cuz i haven't done a max attempt on squats or deadlifts this year he wasn't maxing either

Injured again v.mylifesucks

Monday, January 13, 2014

Extreme Pure Protein Drink?

Extreme Pure Protein Drink?

Anyone use these? Product Description -41 grams of Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) and L-Glutamine -Only 6 grams of carbs -Only 180 calories Instructions Drink 30 minutes after workout or drink as a nutritional supplement. Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 bottle (20oz) Servings Per Container: 1 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Calories 180 Total Fat <0.5g 0% Cholesterol 4mg 1% Chromium 20mcg 17% Sodium 320mg 13% Potassium 120mg 3% Total Carbohydrates 6g 2% Protein 38g 76% Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Extreme Pure Protein Complex 41g * Whey Protein Isolate L-Glutamine Are they any good? Would any of you recommend these? Thanks in advance

Found it here http://www.vigorousliving.com/woexpupr2210.html

I guess no one has tried this? Seems to be pretty good besides price

Extreme Pure Protein Drink?

What's for dinner? v. *PICS*

What's for dinner? v. *PICS*

fish + baked potatoe

that makes me hungry ,damn

I had a can of dis right hurr... And some Reduced Fat Triscuits.

I had 4 double cheeseburgers from Mcdonalds

fish and rice...

^^ the fuck does deer taste like?

i've had deer once.. all i remember about the taste was it being awesome

green beans+oatmeal+6oz chicken+hot sauce

deer is like a turkey/chicken/steak mix, it's kinda dry unless marinated for a long time, but good as hell

no beer no care

Chicken Breast, 1 cup Brown Rice, Bowl of Romaine Hearts

Can of tuna and a cup of brown rice

last meal in memory was a pot of rice with onions and carrots and a bowl of salad

christophers girl I was over 220 I hate dieting

that was an hour ago after my workout. steak, scrambled eggs, peanut butter sandwiches while i waited for reheat. peanut butter vanilla milkshake is up next.

christophers yeah dieting is perhaps the gayest feeling in the whole world i last about a week usually until i feel the estrogen take over

iceburg lettuce with 8oz of lean roasted turkey breast from my mom's deli, with half a cup of cottage cheese as a replacement for dressing. also included in the salad was one hardboiled egg white, some broccoli, red pepper, carrots, took out the cheese, and 20oz of ice water, 3 ON fish caps. that was before my workout. i just had a ON shake. 2 scoops ON Choc + 12oz ice water.

christophers yeah dieting is perhaps the gayest feeling in the whole world i last about a week usually until i feel the estrogen take over Thats why I start dieting monday for a sunday meet

I had some fish, rice, and broccoli + cheese.

angus burger on wheat with a spinach salad

7oz tuna pack, chicken breast, green beans, 5" turkey sandwhich

roasted pork and rice

IN-N-OUT Double patty, one slice of cheese, ketchup, mustard, no sauce, tomato, lettuce, onions AND Triple patty, one slice of cheese, ketchup, mustard, no sauce, tomato, lettuce, onions *excellent*

What's for dinner? v. *PICS*

Reducing Soreness

Reducing Soreness

Is there any way to reduce the length of soreness after working out?

Work out more.

Eat more. Sleep more. Recovery techniques.

Glutamine seems to help me.

Natezilla Eat more. Sleep more. Recovery techniques.

Reducing Soreness

A decent workout regimen to build up and get fit

A decent workout regimen to build up and get fit

Probably a FAQ, but I couldn't find much in the search... basically I'm 6'4" and 165 pounds.. it's been a few years since I've done some proper fitness training so when I run 100m I need 10 minutes to recover.. and I'd like to build up my muscle size and try and get fit.. Does anyone have a good site or something that will help me get started? Cheers

A decent workout regimen to build up and get fit

A decent workout regimen to build up and get fit

Look what I got...

Look what I got...

Makes everything alot easier and it tastes better now

cup + fork = win

how much u pay for it? and wheres u get it?

XsLiCk how much u pay for it? and wheres u get it? $39.95 at SAMS

jonno cup + fork = win thats crazy

fuck i like that nozzle

Blenders take too much time and are a pain in the ass for me. Shaker cup or hand blenders are the shit. Then again I'm just mixing whey and water. If I took the time to make badass shakes with fruit and other shit that thing looks pretty sweet.

cavefish Blenders take too much time and are a pain in the ass for me. Shaker cup or hand blenders are the shit. Then again I'm just mixing whey and water. If I took the time to make badass shakes with fruit and other shit that thing looks pretty sweet. Today I put bananas in it and it ate it up in like 3 seconds

Look what I got...

oatmeal shake?

oatmeal shake?

I don't like to eat oatmeal for breakfast in solid form (the biggest problem is that I can't bring it around with me). I've decided that a good idea would be to make some sort of shake with it, but I have no idea what to put in to keep a decent taste and make it a liquid in the end. Protein isn't a necessity as I get it from my cottage cheese. However, I'd like to keep the fat low since I'm cutting. Any Ideas?

thermos with boiling water + packet of oatmeal = portable oatmeal. or go to a 7-11 or something & get a cup of tea without putting the tea bag in, hense you're paying a buck for a cup of boiling water that'll make a few servings of oatmeal. (if in a jam...)

oatmeal shake?

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