Sunday, January 12, 2014

Shrinkage on ephedrine??

Shrinkage on ephedrine??

Has any heard of this or experienced it? I'm stacking Lipo-6 and Vasopro, doing the 5 day cycle... M-F, Sat/Sun off and when Im on I get shriveled up like a stack of quarters... then saturday comes around and its back to normal again. WTF? is this common?

I don't understand, what's shrinking?

well, ephedrine is a vasoconstrictor, so yes it can cause that

SteveO I don't understand, what's shrinking? you know... what happens when you get out of a cold pool

Ceaze well, ephedrine is a vasoconstrictor, so yes it can cause that i didnt even think of that, good call

at least threads about ecy will stop now

yo nizzle at least threads about ecy will stop now ... getting good results tho... finally got some complements/comments in the gym today. this is week three theres no better motivation than a complement/comment from someone

and all this time i thought it was the low cal diet i actually had this convo w/ my roommate last week (also cutting w/ ec). he thought it was b/c he was leaving his window open at night.

evi1eddie and all this time i thought it was the low cal diet i actually had this convo w/ my roommate last week (also cutting w/ ec). he thought it was b/c he was leaving his window open at night. @ window open

evi1eddie and all this time i thought it was the low cal diet i actually had this convo w/ my roommate last week (also cutting w/ ec). he thought it was b/c he was leaving his window open at night. !!!!!!!!!!

evi1eddie and all this time i thought it was the low cal diet i actually had this convo w/ my roommate last week (also cutting w/ ec). he thought it was b/c he was leaving his window open at night. window open causing shrinkage

dumb theory

I also noticed this when having ephedrine Couldn't get a wood either at one stage!

I would get shrinkage from anything like that... Ephedrine, coke, meth though ephedrine is all I use anymore

MaineSucks you know... what happens when you get out of a cold pool turtling is another term.

Im currently cutting with ECY and I've noticed this as well

i have not noticed this, i'll check in a minute on the other hand, i've noticed it seems to enhance... sexual enjoyment...

wow cool, thought I was the only one

MaineSucks wow cool, thought I was the only one shrunken penis crew

evi1eddie shrunken penis crew

Shrinkage on ephedrine??

Best Of Online Supp Stores

Best Of Online Supp Stores

Was thinking of compiling a list of Online stores that we have found through our various searches, for the cheap / good quality products... I am sure most are familiar with them, but in case some people are still unaware, or just like to shop around.. here goes: Protein: - Great quality, Decent Taste, 35$ per 10lbs Bulk Powders (CEE, PCT):, I have ordered from both sites, both are reliable, and cheap products... Beware bulk products look like crack cocaine to the average eye... General Supplementation: (Vitamins, Aminos, Omegas, Etc) - AMAZING STORE! Great information... CHEAP and VERY RELIABLE... If you cant find your products here then - Site is harder to browse through if you dont know what your looking for, but is cheaper then on most everything, but you have to know what your looking for. Any others?

Best Of Online Supp Stores

Best Of Online Supp Stores

Saturday, January 11, 2014

So, I achieved my goal for the year...

So, I achieved my goal for the year...

Junior in high school, 17 years old and my goal was to do 225 by the end of the school year. The school year ends on the 24th of this month and I did 225 for the first time today. I feel so happy. Haha.

thats a hell of a bicep curl

Jeg1983 thats a hell of a bicep curl

since bench presses are the only exercise that matter, i'm assuming thats what you mean! GJ!

So, I achieved my goal for the year...

Deadlift t shirt represent holla.. *pic*

Deadlift t shirt represent holla.. *pic*

thread failure.

Grouch thread failure.

that there is a nice waterfall....

where the hell do I get one of those??

is that part of boob i see?

Grouch is that part of boob i see?

Mega-JC: Da Return where the hell do I get one of those?? I had it custom made at a store..

Mega-JC: Da Return where the hell do I get one of those?? It's close enough.

edmang It's close enough. no. its gay.

Thats hella gay (the second i love deadlifts shirt)

Grouch is that part of boob i see? i see two, but they're hidden beneath a black shirt im sorry, i couldn't resist

bad ass shirt

Wow.... a shirt that says "deadlift"

in for cardio shirt that shirt is way better

in for my new shirt that shirt is way better

in for bulking shirt that shirt is way better

in for no gym shirt that shirt is way better

in for dis big muthafuckin dick shirt that shirt is way better

superbri007 is that you, and why is your face blurred out, because we already know what you look like sneaky russian My face looked funny with sunglasses on..

Pan the camera a little further right next time for us plz.

Hoodoo Pan the camera a little further right next time for us plz. TITS

Hoodoo Pan the camera a little further right next time for us plz. yeah no shit. or next time you're croping a pic, invert the selection. i'm pretty sure left part of this pic <<<<<<<<<<<<< right half of this pic

swirling vortex>rest of pic

Deadlift t shirt represent holla.. *pic*

Cottage cheese v. Splenda and cinnamon

Cottage cheese v. Splenda and cinnamon

Why didn't I ever try this before??? My new favourite breakfast!

mixed with yogurt tastes divine.

Cottage cheese v. Splenda and cinnamon

for grouch

for grouch

crunk this mofo!!


are those eclipse titaniums?

CrackityJones are those eclipse titaniums? the large surrounds on them makes me think so. but

damn, try an show a brother summin a little funny and i just get harrassed. oh well.

I'd sport that lifted impala or whatever it is.

for grouch

Is there REALLY anything wrong with sodium?

Is there REALLY anything wrong with sodium?

It's in my genes to be a salt nut. My mom would salt everything from breakfast cereal to granny smith apples, and I'm pretty much the same (not cereal though ). Anyway, I'm currently cutting and haven't really watched my sodium. I do know I take in a hell of a lot sodium though. I've been searching this forum off and on for the past year and have yet to really see much evidence on too much sodium being harmful to the body. People always point out how high in sodium something is, but I never really hear why that's a bad thing except for blood pressure and water retention. I've also read that it doesn't really affect blood pressure, so I'm not sure how true the hypertension claim even is. I understand how water retention might be bad, but it really doesn't pertain to me at this moment. Does it just affect blood pressure and water retention? Or is there something much more serious? Is there really anything wrong with sodium? I'm not trying to make light of hypertension, but I don't see it as a problem as long as you monitor your blood pressure.

I love salt as well. However, personally, I noticed I dropped a few pounds just by cutting back on the ammount of salt from my diet. It may have been a combo of the salt and the food the salt was on that helped though. (Less chips and pizza)

I'm guessing, not having studied the kidney, the high sodium level decreases water concentration compared to the other side of the kidneys membranes, resulting in loss of water via osmosis just an educated guess though

I thought that sodium stored water? I know if you try to reduce it from your diet that you will be much better off.

christophers posted about this. your body can only hold so much salt and if you go over that level your kidneys just flushes it right out so it really doesnt do anything. and the water retention thing is a myth because there can only be so much in your body, you can only retain a limited amount of water from salt. i think the catch was that the studies were for active people


cbrpimp Looks like a lot of mis-info in this thread, does anyone have any legitimate answers? It seems like a lot people have answers, but there doesn't appear to be much real factual evidence to support any claims. That's where my confusion comes from. Everyone points out when something is high in sodium, but they never have a factually backed reason as why that's even a bad thing.

discussed hurr

Is there REALLY anything wrong with sodium?

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