Saturday, January 11, 2014

Deadlift t shirt represent holla.. *pic*

Deadlift t shirt represent holla.. *pic*

thread failure.

Grouch thread failure.

that there is a nice waterfall....

where the hell do I get one of those??

is that part of boob i see?

Grouch is that part of boob i see?

Mega-JC: Da Return where the hell do I get one of those?? I had it custom made at a store..

Mega-JC: Da Return where the hell do I get one of those?? It's close enough.

edmang It's close enough. no. its gay.

Thats hella gay (the second i love deadlifts shirt)

Grouch is that part of boob i see? i see two, but they're hidden beneath a black shirt im sorry, i couldn't resist

bad ass shirt

Wow.... a shirt that says "deadlift"

in for cardio shirt that shirt is way better

in for my new shirt that shirt is way better

in for bulking shirt that shirt is way better

in for no gym shirt that shirt is way better

in for dis big muthafuckin dick shirt that shirt is way better

superbri007 is that you, and why is your face blurred out, because we already know what you look like sneaky russian My face looked funny with sunglasses on..

Pan the camera a little further right next time for us plz.

Hoodoo Pan the camera a little further right next time for us plz. TITS

Hoodoo Pan the camera a little further right next time for us plz. yeah no shit. or next time you're croping a pic, invert the selection. i'm pretty sure left part of this pic <<<<<<<<<<<<< right half of this pic

swirling vortex>rest of pic

Deadlift t shirt represent holla.. *pic*

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