Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cottage cheese v. Splenda and cinnamon

Cottage cheese v. Splenda and cinnamon

Why didn't I ever try this before??? My new favourite breakfast!

mixed with yogurt tastes divine.

Cottage cheese v. Splenda and cinnamon

for grouch

for grouch

crunk this mofo!!


are those eclipse titaniums?

CrackityJones are those eclipse titaniums? the large surrounds on them makes me think so. but

damn, try an show a brother summin a little funny and i just get harrassed. oh well.

I'd sport that lifted impala or whatever it is.

for grouch

Is there REALLY anything wrong with sodium?

Is there REALLY anything wrong with sodium?

It's in my genes to be a salt nut. My mom would salt everything from breakfast cereal to granny smith apples, and I'm pretty much the same (not cereal though ). Anyway, I'm currently cutting and haven't really watched my sodium. I do know I take in a hell of a lot sodium though. I've been searching this forum off and on for the past year and have yet to really see much evidence on too much sodium being harmful to the body. People always point out how high in sodium something is, but I never really hear why that's a bad thing except for blood pressure and water retention. I've also read that it doesn't really affect blood pressure, so I'm not sure how true the hypertension claim even is. I understand how water retention might be bad, but it really doesn't pertain to me at this moment. Does it just affect blood pressure and water retention? Or is there something much more serious? Is there really anything wrong with sodium? I'm not trying to make light of hypertension, but I don't see it as a problem as long as you monitor your blood pressure.

I love salt as well. However, personally, I noticed I dropped a few pounds just by cutting back on the ammount of salt from my diet. It may have been a combo of the salt and the food the salt was on that helped though. (Less chips and pizza)

I'm guessing, not having studied the kidney, the high sodium level decreases water concentration compared to the other side of the kidneys membranes, resulting in loss of water via osmosis just an educated guess though

I thought that sodium stored water? I know if you try to reduce it from your diet that you will be much better off.

christophers posted about this. your body can only hold so much salt and if you go over that level your kidneys just flushes it right out so it really doesnt do anything. and the water retention thing is a myth because there can only be so much in your body, you can only retain a limited amount of water from salt. i think the catch was that the studies were for active people


cbrpimp Looks like a lot of mis-info in this thread, does anyone have any legitimate answers? It seems like a lot people have answers, but there doesn't appear to be much real factual evidence to support any claims. That's where my confusion comes from. Everyone points out when something is high in sodium, but they never have a factually backed reason as why that's even a bad thing.

discussed hurr

Is there REALLY anything wrong with sodium?



Or am I some kind of freak I'm 19, 5'7" and I weigh 145 lbs. I don't know what my body fat is. I am completely ripped though. I wouldn't lie as I want a legitimate answer, and I'm obviously not doing this to brag, but I'm really cut. I have never really worked out, and the only sit ups I have done were the ones I had to do to pass PE in HS, but I have really defined abs. Only recently have I started working out, I first started benching 130 30 times in sets of 10, and in a month I can comfortably bench 170 30 times and not get sore. My diet is terrible, whatever cereal is in the cupboard for breakfast, fast food/occasional deli sandwitch for lunch, and anything from spaghetti to steak for dinner with random snacks inbetween. I don't maintain a healthy diet at all, for now. Anyway, my main question is, is this genetics? I know not everyone can eat what they want, when they want and still ahve a body like mine. Is it all metabolism? I'm also kinda new to the working out thing, does anyone have any useful links to workout routines? I mainly want to do my upper body, but I want to keep my legs in proportion. Thanks in advance

uhh why are you doing 30 reps and 10 sets for bench. 300 reps on bench for a workout?

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing to be totally honest.

read the stickies. it is genetics that you got owned with such a short stature.

joy division read the stickies. it is genetics that you got owned with such a short stature.

you arent special you are skinny

joy division it is genetics that you got owned with such a short stature.


what a gay thread


DCCapen yea, you're a twig Uh, no shit. Why do you think I asked for advise?

i'm not sure i believe the 130 bench 30 times for sets of 10 at all when you first started working out at your size

What I meant was I put up 130 30 times, in 3 different sets, or whatever they're called. As I said before, I don't know what I'm doing.

Like 10 - 3 minute break - 10 more - 3 min - 10 more

A true freak of nature! 145 lbs RIPPED do your friends call you DIESEL and SWOLE?

P7 What I meant was I put up 130 30 times, in 3 different sets, or whatever they're called. As I said before, I don't know what I'm doing. yeah. what you said before was 130 lbs 30 reps for 10 sets...which means you would have done it 300 times. i understand you now

SteveO A true freak of nature! 145 lbs RIPPED do your friends call you DIESEL and SWOLE? dude i'm crunk but this is funny shita

+1 for more Bench Press, Curls and Ab workouts...

I don't know about you guys, but I'm obviously not doing this to brag, but I'm really cut made me laugh a little.

SteveO A true freak of nature! 145 lbs RIPPED do your friends call you DIESEL and SWOLE?

Gutrat I don't know about you guys, but made me laugh a little. me too. I immediately had the urge to quote it.

I guess I'll take my questions to a legitimate forum from now on.

this forum is legitimate. if you didnt post a bunch of BS for us to laugh at then we wouldnt make fun of you. i think your question was better off i'm really skinny and defined and i started working out and my bench has gone up and i have a shitty diet. how do i stay so skinny? is this genetics?

I wonder if he gets lots of girls.

ryazbeck this forum is legitimate. if you didnt post a bunch of BS for us to laugh at then we wouldnt make fun of you. i think your question was better off i'm really skinny and defined and i started working out and my bench has gone up and i have a shitty diet. how do i stay so skinny? is this genetics? your age. i ate TONS everyday, anything and everything, maybe like 4000 calories or somehting very high, my diet wasn't clean, lots of jack and mcd, drank a lot and smoked, etc. my body fat was 12-13% and had six pack.. and im a female. its not like that for me any more. obviously, many years have passed by.


Pete Sisco's Static and Power Factor Training

Pete Sisco's Static and Power Factor Training

He hosts the website His takes on lifting are so much different than anything else i have ever read or been taught for my entire life but everything he claims is thouroughly backed up with scientific testing. Have you guys heard of this guy or his new book? His credentials are incredible. The full ebook can be found on limewire and i just finished reading it. I must admit, it nearly has me convinced and i think im gonna give his plan a try. Anyone use this plan or heard of it? It is well worth the read.

what's the gist of it

Ceaze what's the gist of it .

What is it called, .

It focuses on recovery time and short intense lifting. Its very mathmatical you guys should check it out.

uofapeter It focuses on recovery time and short intense lifting. Its very mathmatical you guys should check it out. I have heard of him and his teachings. His teachings are very true. They follow the teachings of Arthur Jones and Nautilus.

I feel like this thread is about a cult

b-stevens I feel like this thread is about a cult you must cut off your balls and kill yourself!

mike you must cut off your balls and kill yourself! Jesus, why both? Isn't one enough? but then again, I guess I wouldn't want to live without my balls anyways.

Pete Sisco's Static and Power Factor Training

Whats your guy's take on ?

Whats your guy's take on ?

Im tired of mixing malto and dextrose from bags and stuff myself for my post workout shake, so i was thinkin about just getting a 50/50 mixture from, ill also prob make a little pre-bedtime protein mixture too, any of you guys used this site before or ordered from them?

Whats your guy's take on ?

Whats your guy's take on ?

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

In terms of muscle formation, ease of building it, etc. For example, if you notice, a lot of Asian people have massive calves. I don't lift my calves at all but they're still pretty big and defined. My arms and chest on the other hand I work at but gains are very minimal and small.


that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition

my arms don't get any bigger

talksick that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition yeah, right. Every asian I know is strong as hell

bruce lee? or was he part asian, part freak?

SteveO yeah, right. Every asian I know is strong as hell too much starcraft but seriously... i heard we lack the natual creatine that other races have more naturally

talksick too much starcraft but seriously... i heard we lack the natual creatine that other races have more naturally I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too?

i guess we all have our pros and cons one the great things about being broly is when asian twigs see this 6'2'' monster walking by.. they just stare at me with this look in a way it's a good thing to be the stereotypical small size imaged race

I think asians generally have the worse genes in terms of bodybuilding. Higher estrogen levels for one... I recall reading something like that before. Of course there are always exceptions.

Gutrat I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too? blacks actually have been shown to have higher natural test levels than most white males.

timberwolf I think asians generally have the worse genes in terms of bodybuilding. Higher estrogen levels for one... I recall reading something like that before. Of course there are always exceptions. and a small... aren't you asian?

SteveO and a small... aren't you asian? Yep.

just look at the penis size black >

longest study ever

Gutrat I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too? black people tend to have more fast twitch fibres and thinner hips

talksick that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition I have a decent amount of strength and definition...just no bulk.

bioyuki I have a decent amount of strength and definition...just no bulk. how many cals a day

Yeah, but they dont have an extra muscle... do they?

I build strength and muslce easily and have long sexy legs.

I believe that they are somewhat genetically predetermined, but I've seen that it's the easiest to defy genetics during the period where your body grows the most: puberty. If you start lifting around 15-16 and develop good habits and discipline, the results seem like they're easier to obtain since you're training your body while it's still taking shape and before it's fully developed. Plus metabolism is usually better around those years for most people. I could be wrong It just seemed that way to me when I was playing sports.

The more I eat, the better my genetics get. Something along those lines.

Shaolin_sword36 how many cals a day he's a swimmer (and gay ), which gives reason to him being so.....defined.

while determining whos got the best/worst genetics, you can use that time to make the best out of it i know my being a smartass here, but i believe everyone has at least one good gene to work with..

devilangel while determining whos got the best/worst genetics, you can use that time to make the best out of it i know my being a smartass here, but i believe everyone has at least one good gene to work with..

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

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