Tuesday, January 7, 2014

are hacksquats a decent replacement for regular squats?

are hacksquats a decent replacement for regular squats?

I just can't hold any decent amount of weight on my back after fucking up my shoulder. how does the similarity in form with dl's stack up? just emphasis on quads rather than posterior chain?

decent yes, but nothing replaces the squat. There good for uses different foot positions to target inner and outer heads.

I am not even familiar with that term.

http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/...HackSquat.html are they better than say leg pressing? i'd like to get one of those cambered or safety bars for squatting but i don't feel like dropping 300+ plus bucks on one

I thought hack squats worked your quads more, I am sure it is a good exercise to do sence you can't do regular squats but they are not a complete replacement. I would go with a combo of leg press and hack squats.

Also I have difficulty doing this exercise, the bar really rubs the back of my calfs and when it gets to my butt it gets stuck under it and I am not completely standing errect yet. Anyone else have this problem?

front squats

cunninglinguist front squats negative, still have shoulder issues

barbell hack squats put your quads on fire....just make sure you don't neglect your hammies

Ceaze barbell hack squats put your quads on fire....just make sure you don't neglect your hammies thats old school and awesome, I almost dislocated my shoulder doing them though back in the day. Make sure your on the right side of the bar after strapping in. and dont step over

I only do front squats.

are hacksquats a decent replacement for regular squats?

Should I start drinking protein shakes? Also, rate my routine and diet.

Should I start drinking protein shakes? Also, rate my routine and diet.

I just started working out again heavily, but I don't know if I should drink protein shakes. I'll give you my routine and my diet, you let me know what you think . Routine - 5 day switch, HIIT Monday - chest Tuesday - shoulders Wednesday - biceps/triceps Thursday - off Friday - back Saturday - legs Sunday - off This is what I eat normally: Breakfast @ 8-9am: 10+10 Trader Joe's Cereal, 10 grams fiber, 10 grams protein (soy), banana, apple Lunch @ 12:30pm: regular turkey avocado from Togo's or something else remotely healthy (I'm trying to get in the habit of making my own sandwiches to take to school with me) Pre-workout ~4-6pm: sandwich, banana Start workout anywhere between 5-7pm, workout for 45 minutes or so and then do 20-30 minutes of cardio Post-workout ~6-8pm: sandwich or tuna on crackers + gatorade 30-45 minutes later I'll eat another small meal of either a sandwich or tuna I drink about 84 fl oz. of water per day (5 water bottles) including one during my workout. Should I start drinking protein shakes and if so, when?

I'm not seeing shoulder work, but I do like the two leg days, I would train legs in a westside manner or at least some type of CP if you are going to do two days.

ACURA TL-S I'm not seeing shoulder work, but I do like the two leg days, I would train legs in a westside manner or at least some type of CP if you are going to do two days. Crap. I only do legs one day on Saturday. Wednesday is shoulders.

diet rating: 3/10 if bulking, 5/10 if cutting looks like you could use a protein shake with breakfast, pre and post workout. edit: I'm assuming your bulking if you're doing HST. Eat more.

hootpie Should I start drinking protein shakes and if so, when? Yes. Whenever you can...mostly before and after workout (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

shastaisforwinners diet rating: 3/10 if bulking, 5/10 if cutting looks like you could use a protein shake with breakfast, pre and post workout. edit: I'm assuming your bulking if you're doing HST. Eat more. I am trying to clean bulk. What kind of protein shakes do you guys recommend?

What kind of protein shakes should I get? Do they replace meals?


if you have a costco membership get the powder there

twofourtysx if you have a costco membership get the powder there I'll check out Costco tomorrow or so. As for flavors, what tends to be the best tasting?

hootpie I'll check out Costco tomorrow or so. As for flavors, what tends to be the best tasting? chocolate they have 6lbs for $20

twofourtysx chocolate they have 6lbs for $20 Cool, thanks for the heads up.

twofourtysx chocolate they have 6lbs for $20 how's the stuff taste? that's a good price

SteveO how's the stuff taste? that's a good price I doubt it tastes like a Dove bar, but it's probably better than drinking fish juice

....personally, I wouldn't want to do shoulders the day after arms... cause if my triceps are sore... it would hinder my shoulder workout... (primarily in overhead press movements), I'd also keep chest and shoulder workouts as far apart as possilbe, or just do'em the same day (NOT split them either as in "AM" "PM" workouts).

is300eater ....personally, I wouldn't want to do shoulders the day after arms... cause if my triceps are sore... it would hinder my shoulder workout... (primarily in overhead press movements), I'd also keep chest and shoulder workouts as far apart as possilbe, or just do'em the same day (NOT split them either as in "AM" "PM" workouts). I don't know what's wrong with me. I totally wrote my workout wrong. Here's the non-crack smoker version: Monday - chest Tuesday - shoulders Wednesday - biceps/triceps Thursday - off Friday - back Saturday - legs Sunday - off

hootpie I don't know what's wrong with me. I totally wrote my workout wrong. Here's the non-crack smoker version: Monday - chest Tuesday - shoulders Wednesday - biceps/triceps Thursday - off Friday - back Saturday - legs Sunday - off Your shoulders aren't taxed from chest day?

Ilyusha Your shoulders aren't taxed from chest day? They are, but not too much to the point where it hinders my shoulder workout. By the way, I solved my headache problem.

hootpie They are, but not too much to the point where it hinders my shoulder workout. By the way, I solved my headache problem. Congrats.

Ilyusha Congrats. Thanks...it was getting VERY bothersome.

Should I start drinking protein shakes? Also, rate my routine and diet.

what happens if the majority of your protein are not from whole foods?

what happens if the majority of your protein are not from whole foods?

i'm looking at my food journal and i notice on a typical day, i get ~70% of my potein from shakes. i've been super busy at work and don't have time to prepare my meals or go to resturants, so i've been living off of deli (subway and quisnos) sandwhiches for about 2 months now, and rely on 4-8 servings of ON for protein. i'm at 190lbs and cutting if it makes any difference. the weekends are ok as i grill fish or chicken at least once a day, it's only during the week that the majority of my prortien comes from shakes. typical weekday meal plan looks like: oatmeal 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on throw in a pre and post shake on days i workout. i know it will be asked: no, i don't have time to make eggs in the morning. only reason i can even eat breakfast is because i make my oatmeal at work and shovel it down as i read my email in the morning

you can't cook some chicken or eat a can of tuna? Tuna- takes 2 seconds to open the can. Chicken- make it all at once in the oven, on sunday or whatever...there you have it, 3-4 pounds of chicken breasts to eat for the next few days. I'd just get sick from drinkin so much ON

infinite loop i'm looking at my food journal and i notice on a typical day, i get ~70% of my potein from shakes. i've been super busy at work and don't have time to prepare my meals or go to resturants, so i've been living off of deli (subway and quisnos) sandwhiches for about 2 months now, and rely on 4-8 servings of ON for protein. i'm at 190lbs and cutting if it makes any difference. the weekends are ok as i grill fish or chicken at least once a day, it's only during the week that the majority of my prortien comes from shakes. typical weekday meal plan looks like: oatmeal 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on throw in a pre and post shake on days i workout. i know it will be asked: no, i don't have time to make eggs in the morning. only reason i can even eat breakfast is because i make my oatmeal at work and shovel it down as i read my email in the morning At least 50-60% of my protein comes from shakes if I'm targetting over 200g per day. I don't worry about it...

joy division you can't cook some chicken or eat a can of tuna? Tuna- takes 2 seconds to open the can. Chicken- make it all at once in the oven, on sunday or whatever...there you have it, 3-4 pounds of chicken breasts to eat for the next few days. I'd just get sick from drinkin so much ON yeah, i could.. i guess i'd just prefer not to because i don't like reheated chicken and don't like the taste of tuna. i know, i'm being a bitch i've gotten used to the on, it doesn't bother me at all anymore. if by chance it gets to me, we have free coffee at the office so i can get that to chase away the taste.

fuck reheating it, i hate it warm..just eat it cold- I bring 2 pounds of chicken breasts with me to school. Just leave it in my bag. mmmmm mmmm

infinite loop i'm looking at my food journal and i notice on a typical day, i get ~70% of my potein from shakes. i've been super busy at work and don't have time to prepare my meals or go to resturants, so i've been living off of deli (subway and quisnos) sandwhiches for about 2 months now, and rely on 4-8 servings of ON for protein. i'm at 190lbs and cutting if it makes any difference. the weekends are ok as i grill fish or chicken at least once a day, it's only during the week that the majority of my prortien comes from shakes. typical weekday meal plan looks like: oatmeal 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on throw in a pre and post shake on days i workout. i know it will be asked: no, i don't have time to make eggs in the morning. only reason i can even eat breakfast is because i make my oatmeal at work and shovel it down as i read my email in the morning I wouldnt worry about it. The only time I was ever told to make sure all my protein, or at least the majority of it, came from whole foods, was when a chinese herbalist told me my ying and yang and Chi was all out of wack. I changed my diet accordingly, and became sick and more tired and well all negative affects. I like the taste of food better, but sometimes its easier to make a shake and forget about it.

Getting a bunch from shakes is better than not getting enough. My only problem with relying on shakes too much is that they don't fill me up at all, so I do my best to get as much from whole foods as possible to keep my cravings down.

protein is protein but meat is sooo much more tasty....its true that different protein sources give different amounts of different amino acids but in my opinion it is all relevant

Shakes are ok but as Jugget said you wont be getting aminos and other nutrients that all help your body absorb and use up the protein. Also why are you having a shake before and after your workout? Your body can only digest so much at once and I may be wrong but Im guessing that 40g-1hour-40g is going to yield little more than lots of farting and protein turds. Protein wont help you work out it helps your body build muscle after you break it down working out so keep your post shake but re-consider the pre-shake IMO

Nothing wrong with the protein IMO; what's wrong is your veggies- or lack of it. That's a pretty bland diet for cutting to me Not to mention that a leetle more variety is good for the soul..unless you do well in the same routine , which honestly some of us do.

joy division fuck reheating it, i hate it warm..just eat it cold- I bring 2 pounds of chicken breasts with me to school. Just leave it in my bag. mmmmm mmmm hehe i used to do that, but everyone would make fun of me for eating "raw chicken" idiots

protein is protein. i see nothing wrong with it. if they dont fill you up I'd buy a bucket of mass gainer and throw in a couple of scoops. thats what I do and my shakes are ~400 calories, 45 grams of protien which fill me up pretty well

I get three of my meals from shakes and oats. Hasn't stopped me yet. You can only cook and eat so much. If we all had all the time in the world to cook, eat and workout then we wouldn't need shakes. Most of us have school and work.

what happens if the majority of your protein are not from whole foods?

Monday, January 6, 2014

choo choo! get your train wreck!

choo choo! get your train wreck!

http://forums.offtopic.com/showpost.php?p=35113015 most specifically http://forums.offtopic.com/showpost....5&postcount=89


can we kill it with fire?

choo choo! get your train wreck!

Progress thread V hadtobuyanewbikinicausetheotherwastoobig

Progress thread V hadtobuyanewbikinicausetheotherwastoobig

Week 11, how time has flown for me! Jan 17: ....................April 6 Height: 5'8"..................5'8" Weight: 180................ 161 Bust: 36 ......................34 Waist: 38.5...................31 Hips: 42.5.....................37 Thighs: 25R 24L .....19.25R 19L Biceps: 14R 14L .........10.25R 10.25L Comparison Pics:Start Vs Today: Week 1 Vs Today:

before anyone mentions it: yes, I'm aware that my new suits bottoms are a wee bit too small, I am looking forward to shrinking into them as the next month or two progresses.

absolutely great job

YEAH!!!! GO POGO!! that's awesome. I'm so happy for you. How many pants sizes have you gone down losing 7.5 inches off of the waist and 5.5 off of the hips?

Lookin' good! Keep it up!

nic379 YEAH!!!! GO POGO!! that's awesome. I'm so happy for you. How many pants sizes have you gone down losing 7.5 inches off of the waist and 5.5 off of the hips? I was wearing a size 16 and they were TIGHT... I've shrunken down to a 10/12 that is comfy.

~*Pogovina*~ I was wearing a size 16 and they were TIGHT... I've shrunken down to a 10/12 that is comfy. that's awesome!!!!!!!!

those arms are only going to get bigger... sven and i are gonna pump them up (german accent)

Dragon absolutely great job thanks

Socrates Lookin' good! Keep it up! thanks

wow great progress

nic379 that's awesome!!!!!!!! cheaper too!

liptonme those arms are only going to get bigger... sven and i are gonna pump them up (german accent) bahahahah!! I'm gonna get man arms if I keep this genetic freak shit up

nice progress, very noticable difference. Keep up the good work.

momoarrowz wow great progress thanks! it has completely sucked sometimes but is sooo worth it when I get to compare pics and numbers

holy crap. the 2nd comparison is phenomenal. i know you're a lady and all, but thats still inspiring for me. awesome job. the amazing part is, you've been working out and gaining muscle too. btw, i like your new hair better too.

D-GUy nice progress, very noticable difference. Keep up the good work. I've been slowing down as I go but am toning up noticably under the ever-thinning layer of fat.

Nice progress.

Atenza6i holy crap. the 2nd comparison is phenomenal. i know you're a lady and all, but thats still inspiring for me. awesome job. the amazing part is, you've been working out and gaining muscle too. btw, i like your new hair better too. it's kinda fun proving to the beefcakes here that people are capable of cutting and gaining muscle mass at the same time and uhh... thanks. I'm letting the front grow out, I just have it in a ponytail today :lazy:

cASe SenSiTive Nice progress. thanks

~*Pogovina*~ I've been slowing down as I go but am toning up noticably under the ever-thinning layer of fat. as long you keep seeing progress

Great Job Pogo. Keep it up. Progress will slow down but as long as you keep at it things will come.

Great job!

damn, girl! I can't believe you were a 38 great progress!!

Wow, your waistline has visibly decreased. You can tell just by looking. And your tummy as basically all gone. Looking good girl.

Progress thread V hadtobuyanewbikinicausetheotherwastoobig

post a pic of your back...here's mine :hsd:

post a pic of your back...here's mine :hsd:

.... i think it's coming along pretty well...i'm gonna switch up some exercises the next 4-6 weeks to try to hit some other parts and stimulate 'em differently right now i'm doing: deadlifts, pullups (weighted), seated cable rows, bent over bb rows/pulls and hypers oh, please feel free to comment on the pics, i have thick skin so you can be harsh...also, if someone wants to recommend a new back routine i'd appreciate it, thanks nukkas

looks like it is coming in some, no need to pull the blades together tho

Does this count? (warning, fat ahead) I'm not exactly flexing either, its me in my natural state http://img34.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img34...atfuck16hu.jpg I really need to cut down to 10% or so, I'd be a monster.

cavefish Does this count? (warning, fat ahead) I'm not exactly flexing either, its me in my natural state http://img34.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img34...atfuck16hu.jpg I really need to cut down to 10% or so, I'd be a monster.

awesome cavefish

holy stretch marks

Word bitch, I do big things, holla Thats the price I pay to be a professional badass.

still unsure on posing, i'll check it out in arnold's book or something

see training log

--- shitty but it's getting there.

arrgghh, i want to be in on this... but camera stolen, so out =


Socrates --- shitty but it's getting there. Don't draw the blades in so close.. or at all maybe...

looks gross. pic from back in sept. I dont have a new back pic. Ill do one tomorrow.

same pic I posted in the other thread...

cavefish Does this count? (warning, fat ahead) I'm not exactly flexing either, its me in my natural state http://img34.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img34...atfuck16hu.jpg I really need to cut down to 10% or so, I'd be a monster. so your natural state is sleeping with a guy?

None of my back poses look good, so I won't post any until I cut down more. It's pretty wide though..

couple of weeks ago, im down about 3% or so bf from that pic

Werdna damn, werdna...hurry up and cut

ACURA TL-S thats where I would like to be someday...whats your weight/height in this pic?

post a pic of your back...here's mine :hsd:

Can drinking water kill you?

Can drinking water kill you?

This was in the NYT today (link - but probably won't work for you). I think it's pretty interesting, and it's surprising this is the first documentation of this. Cliffs: Slow people drink too much water during long races. That drops their sodium concentration in their blood, which can potentially lead to death. April 14, 2005 Study Cautions Runners to Limit Their Water Intake By GINA KOLATA fter years of telling athletes to drink as much liquid as possible to avoid dehydration, some doctors are now saying that drinking too much during intense exercise poses a far greater health risk. An increasing number of athletes - marathon runners, triathletes and even hikers in the Grand Canyon - are severely diluting their blood by drinking too much water or too many sports drinks, with some falling gravely ill and even dying, the doctors say. New research on runners in the Boston Marathon, published today in The New England Journal of Medicine, confirms the problem and shows how serious it is. The research involved 488 runners in the 2002 marathon. The runners gave blood samples before and after the race. While most were fine, 13 percent of them - or 62 - drank so much that they had hyponatremia, or abnormally low blood sodium levels. Three had levels so low that they were in danger of dying. The runners who developed the problem tended to be slower, taking more than four hours to finish the course. That gave them plenty of time to drink copious amounts of liquid. And drink they did, an average of three liters, or about 13 cups of water or of a sports drink, so much that they actually gained weight during the race. The risks to athletes from drinking too much liquid have worried doctors and race directors for several years. As more slow runners entered long races, doctors began seeing athletes stumbling into medical tents, nauseated, groggy, barely coherent and with their blood severely diluted. Some died on the spot. In 2003, U.S.A. Track & Field, the national governing body for track and field, long-distance running and race walking, changed its guidelines to warn against the practice. Marathon doctors say the new study offers the first documentation of the problem. "Before this study, we suspected there was a problem," said Dr. Marvin Adner, the medical director of the Boston Marathon, which is next Monday. "But this proves it." Hyponatremia is entirely preventable, Dr. Adner and others said. During intense exercise the kidneys cannot excrete excess water. As people keep drinking, the extra water moves into their cells, including brain cells. The engorged brain cells, with no room to expand, press against the skull and can compress the brain stem, which controls vital functions like breathing. The result can be fatal. But the marathon runners were simply following what has long been the conventional advice given to athletes: Avoid dehydration at all costs. "Drink ahead of your thirst," was the mantra. Doctors and sports drink companies "made dehydration a medical illness that was to be feared," said Dr. Tim Noakes, a hyponatremia expert at the University of Cape Town. "Everyone becomes dehydrated when they race," Dr. Noakes said. "But I have not found one death in an athlete from dehydration in a competitive race in the whole history of running. Not one. Not even a case of illness." On the other hand, he said, he knows of people who have sickened and died from drinking too much. Hyponatremia can be treated, Dr. Noakes said. A small volume of a highly concentrated salt solution is given intravenously and can save a patient's life by pulling water out of swollen brain cells. But, he said, doctors and emergency workers often assume that the problem is dehydration and give intravenous fluids, sometimes killing the patient. He and others advise testing the salt concentration of the athlete's blood before treatment. For their part, runners can estimate how much they should drink by weighing themselves before and after long training runs to see how much they lose - and thus how much water they should replace. But they can also follow what Dr. Paul D. Thompson calls "a rough rule of thumb." Dr. Thompson, a cardiologist at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut and a marathon runner, advises runners to drink while they are moving. "If you stop and drink a couple of cups, you are overdoing it," he said. Dr. Adner said athletes also should be careful after a race. "Don't start chugging down water," he said. Instead, he advised runners to wait until they began to urinate, a sign the body is no longer retaining water. The paper's lead author, Dr. Christopher S. D. Almond, of Children's Hospital, said he first heard of hyponatremia in 2001 when a cyclist drank so much on a ride from New York to Boston that she had a seizure. She eventually recovered. Dr. Almond and his colleagues decided to investigate how prevalent hyponatremia really was. Until recently, the condition was all but unheard of because endurance events like marathons and triathlons were populated almost entirely by fast athletes who did not have time to drink too much. "Elite athletes are not drinking much, and they never have," Dr. Noakes said. The lead female marathon runner in the Athens Olympics, running in 97-degree heat drank just 30 seconds of the entire race. In the 2002 Boston Marathon, said Dr. Arthur Siegel, of the Boston Marathon's medical team and the chief of internal medicine at Harvard's McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., the hyponatremia problem "hit us like a cannon shot" in 2002. That year, a 28-year-old woman reached Heartbreak Hill, at Mile 20, after five hours of running and drinking sports drinks. She struggled to the top. Feeling terrible and assuming she was dehydrated, she chugged 16 ounces of the liquid. "She collapsed within minutes," Dr. Siegel said. She was later declared brain dead. Her blood sodium level was dangerously low, at 113 micromoles per liter of blood. (Hyponatremia starts at sodium levels below 135 micromoles, when brain swelling can cause confusion and grogginess. Levels below 120 can be fatal.) No one has died since in the Boston Marathon, but there have been near misses there, with 7 cases of hyponatremia in 2003 and 11 last year, and deaths elsewhere, Dr. Siegel said. He added that those were just the cases among runners who came to medical tents seeking help. In a letter, also in the journal, doctors describe 14 runners in the 2003 London Marathon with hyponatremia who waited more than four hours on average before going to a hospital. Some were lucid after the race, but none remembered completing it. That sort of delay worries Dr. Siegel. "The bottom line is, it's a very prevalent problem out there, and crossing the edge from being dazed and confused to having a seizure is very tricky and can happen very, very fast," he said. Boston Marathon directors want to educate runners not to drink so much, Dr. Siegel said. They also suggest that runners write their weights on their bibs at the start of the race. If they feel ill, they could be weighed again. Anyone who gains weight almost certainly has hyponatremia. "Instead of waiting until they collapse and then testing their sodium, maybe we can nip it in the bud," Dr. Siegel said.


i havent drank water in 10 years cuz I'm so afraid

nathanbx i havent drank water in 10 years cuz I'm so afraid

you have to drink ALOT of water to do this....and that's usually why they have gatorade at marathons instead of water...to replinish your sodium and electrolytes

nic379 you have to drink ALOT of water to do this....and that's usually why they have gatorade at marathons instead of water...to replinish your sodium and electrolytes they don't have gatorade instead of water because they think you're going to die.

they have gatorade at the racess so they can promote gatorade.

you can also be "overhydrated" from drinking too much water w/o exercise. happened to that one college kid, they made him drink and drink and drink water instead of alcohol during a hazing event. kid ended up dying.

Long distance cycling events I'll drink one 22oz bottle of Cytomax or Accelerade per hour 1/2 22oz bottle of water per hour and 3 Endurolytes caps per hour .. this is only for anything over 4 hours though .. less than that I skip the E-caps And for the record Gatorade is shitty at replacing electrolytes, they use it because its cheap (or free) compared to real carbo drinks.

yes. too much water = dliutes your sodium/electrolyte levels so you dont really die of water consumption, you die of not having enough sodium in your body to carry on natural processes

Nitromike Long distance cycling events I'll drink one 22oz bottle of Cytomax or Accelerade per hour 1/2 22oz bottle of water per hour and 3 Endurolytes caps per hour .. this is only for anything over 4 hours though .. less than that I skip the E-caps And for the record Gatorade is shitty at replacing electrolytes, they use it because its cheap (or free) compared to real carbo drinks.

Back at ya jackhole

mike yes. too much water = dliutes your sodium/electrolyte levels so you dont really die of water consumption, you die of not having enough sodium in your body to carry on natural processes Too true. But, this also leads to kidney failure. So, you die of "dirty" blood.

Nitromike Long distance cycling events I'll drink one 22oz bottle of Cytomax or Accelerade per hour 1/2 22oz bottle of water per hour and 3 Endurolytes caps per hour .. this is only for anything over 4 hours though .. less than that I skip the E-caps And for the record Gatorade is shitty at replacing electrolytes, they use it because its cheap (or free) compared to real carbo drinks. People drink gatorade because the real stuff is thick and disgusting

Soularis People drink gatorade because the real stuff is thick and disgusting ...and not elite enough to drink the 'real stuff'.

mike yes. too much water = dliutes your sodium/electrolyte levels so you dont really die of water consumption, you die of not having enough sodium in your body to carry on natural processes I think it is important to think of it not as diluting sodium/electrolyte levels, and therefore not having enough sodium to carry on natural processes. If I eat some X amount of sodium in a day, and 3 litres of water, or if I eat X amount and drink 20 litres, I'm still gonna have the same sodium levels. The problem is that the the concentration of water in the plasma and extracellular fluids increase to a point where its greater than the water concentration in the intercellular fluid, so the water moves accross the semi pemrmeable membrane to follow its concentration gradient, causing Haemolysis, or the rupture of the cell. Or in the above article, swelling of the swells and where they meet the skull wall. If you are a person scientifically interested in this, the emergency response is to inject the paitent with either mannitol or its isotope D-sorbitol. These particles are too large to move accross the membrane. They increase the osmolarity of the extra cellular fluid, causing water to diffuse out of the cell into the blood stream, relieving the pressure on the brain

BUt yes, diluting electrolyte levels is key to this condition, as decreased osmolarity of blood = increased water concentration

my dad took care of an insane guy who drank wayyyyy too much water and had to go to the icu because his kidneys got fucked

so let me get this straight. you explode on the inside? cool post edd91 I think it is important to think of it not as diluting sodium/electrolyte levels, and therefore not having enough sodium to carry on natural processes. If I eat some X amount of sodium in a day, and 3 litres of water, or if I eat X amount and drink 20 litres, I'm still gonna have the same sodium levels. The problem is that the the concentration of water in the plasma and extracellular fluids increase to a point where its greater than the water concentration in the intercellular fluid, so the water moves accross the semi pemrmeable membrane to follow its concentration gradient, causing Haemolysis, or the rupture of the cell. Or in the above article, swelling of the swells and where they meet the skull wall. If you are a person scientifically interested in this, the emergency response is to inject the paitent with either mannitol or its isotope D-sorbitol. These particles are too large to move accross the membrane. They increase the osmolarity of the extra cellular fluid, causing water to diffuse out of the cell into the blood stream, relieving the pressure on the brain

some dumb 16 year old bitch in colorado drank too much water after taking extacy and she died. Natural selection.

nonplus so let me get this straight. you explode on the inside? cool post Yeah your cells can rupture. Take a blood sample and mix in any molar amount of NaCl below 0.154M, the solution will turn red because of the exploded red blood cells. Even when spun in a centrifuge it will remain red

Rory, Esq. Yes, but you can just eat salt or salty foods while you're drinking, and you'll be fine. If you drink a ton of water, your kidneys will fail, too, but that's like 10 gallons, and I'm pretty sure sweat subtracts from that. Eh, if you drink 10 gallons in a substantially short period of time, you will die.

edd91 BUt yes, diluting electrolyte levels is key to this condition, as decreased osmolarity of blood = increased water concentration thanks for reiterating what i said to begin with but very informative post, nonetheless.

too much of a good thing is a bad thing... its all about moderation and finding the balance in life..

Nitromike Long distance cycling events I'll drink one 22oz bottle of Cytomax or Accelerade per hour 1/2 22oz bottle of water per hour and 3 Endurolytes caps per hour .. this is only for anything over 4 hours though .. less than that I skip the E-caps And for the record Gatorade is shitty at replacing electrolytes, they use it because its cheap (or free) compared to real carbo drinks. do u know how electrolytes are replenished or the even the symport of salts/glucose and ions into ur cells? when someone is severly dehydrated, so much that they're taken to the ER, ask those EMT's what their shoving up those IVs next time

Can drinking water kill you?

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