Monday, January 6, 2014

post a pic of your's mine :hsd:

post a pic of your's mine :hsd:

.... i think it's coming along pretty well...i'm gonna switch up some exercises the next 4-6 weeks to try to hit some other parts and stimulate 'em differently right now i'm doing: deadlifts, pullups (weighted), seated cable rows, bent over bb rows/pulls and hypers oh, please feel free to comment on the pics, i have thick skin so you can be harsh...also, if someone wants to recommend a new back routine i'd appreciate it, thanks nukkas

looks like it is coming in some, no need to pull the blades together tho

Does this count? (warning, fat ahead) I'm not exactly flexing either, its me in my natural state I really need to cut down to 10% or so, I'd be a monster.

cavefish Does this count? (warning, fat ahead) I'm not exactly flexing either, its me in my natural state I really need to cut down to 10% or so, I'd be a monster.

awesome cavefish

holy stretch marks

Word bitch, I do big things, holla Thats the price I pay to be a professional badass.

still unsure on posing, i'll check it out in arnold's book or something

see training log

--- shitty but it's getting there.

arrgghh, i want to be in on this... but camera stolen, so out =

Socrates --- shitty but it's getting there. Don't draw the blades in so close.. or at all maybe...

looks gross. pic from back in sept. I dont have a new back pic. Ill do one tomorrow.

same pic I posted in the other thread...

cavefish Does this count? (warning, fat ahead) I'm not exactly flexing either, its me in my natural state I really need to cut down to 10% or so, I'd be a monster. so your natural state is sleeping with a guy?

None of my back poses look good, so I won't post any until I cut down more. It's pretty wide though..

couple of weeks ago, im down about 3% or so bf from that pic

Werdna damn, werdna...hurry up and cut

ACURA TL-S thats where I would like to be someday...whats your weight/height in this pic?

post a pic of your's mine :hsd:

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