Friday, December 27, 2013

My mom accused me of taking steroids v.345435372299

My mom accused me of taking steroids v.345435372299

She watched that 60 Minutes thing last night and said I gained a ton of size and really thought I was on the sauce. She made me tell her on the phone that I've never taken steroids. I think the media is making too big of a deal of this, and I told my mom that. Are they healthy? No. But if you cycle them correctly and use them for a short period of time, they're really not all that bad. And they don't CAUSE heart disease, stroke, or suicide. They might contribute, but you can't assume causality from anecdotal cases because they are simply too many counfounds. I just like how everyone thinks they're steroid experts now.

excused you?

Next time, tell her that you're on a bunch of shit and that she can't do anything about it and hang up.

Ilyusha Next time, tell her that you're on a bunch of shit and that she can't do anything about it and hang up.

CrackSeed excused you? fixed

Take it as a compliment.

superbri007 my mom just said "wow, your really filling out" I shoulda said something like, "yeah, well my secret is the sauce" and then slapped her with my delt and raided her pantry

I like how they are grilling those NFL players for taking that androcream, when in actuality, its no where near potent enough to actually build any kind of real muscle even if taken in large amounts.

Perplexed My mother thinks my ON chocolate is steroids

beg her for money and tell her that if she doesnt get it to you you're going to kill her

jonno beg her for money and tell her that if she doesnt get it to you you're going to kill her roid rage!!!

haha my mom is the same way except she thinks the protein powder makes me fat!

my mom knows i've done Pros twice and I've talked to her about roids, she even recommended me to her old boss who regularly cycled juice so i could talk to him about it. i've never juiced tho.

Werdna She watched that 60 Minutes thing last night and said I gained a ton of size and really thought I was on the sauce. She made me tell her on the phone that I've never taken steroids. I think the media is making too big of a deal of this, and I told my mom that. Are they healthy? No. But if you cycle them correctly and use them for a short period of time, they're really not all that bad. And they don't CAUSE heart disease, stroke, or suicide. They might contribute, but you can't assume causality from anecdotal cases because they are simply too many counfounds. I just like how everyone thinks they're steroid experts now. show her a pic of me, she will apologize to you

PurEvl show her a pic of me, she will apologize to you

My mom accused me of taking steroids v.345435372299

Thursday, December 26, 2013

My 1-ad experiment....

My 1-ad experiment....

When I did 1-ad before I took a dosage of 300mg in the first week and finished off at 500mg in the last week or two...going through 2 bottles. Went from 167-180 first time... and from 173-178lbs second time. First time, was terribly lethargic and libido went south by second week. Second time I took 4-ad along with it so really experienced no sides. This time I tried taking only 200mg throughout and experienced no sides. Despite eating relatively clean 4-5 days per week, my weight went up to 181lbs this morning. I was 178lbs before I started but weight did keep fluctuating to as low as 173lbs.

god you're so disgustingly fat........... Looking great man. I only had luck with 1ad the first time I tried it, the second time I kept increasing the dose to really high and didn't get anything but being really tired. Same with m1t. If I ever lean out again, I may look into doing the real thing.

i noticed no sides on m1t but i didnt get very good gains, i cut for week 1 and then bulked alot the last 3 weeks. i forgot my dosage but it was 3 pills a day when the recommended was 2 a day. i went from 216 down to 209 after week 1 then back up to 214, i worked out hard, but i think my main downfall was not sleeping enough.

trancezj god you're so disgustingly fat........... Looking great man. I only had luck with 1ad the first time I tried it, the second time I kept increasing the dose to really high and didn't get anything but being really tired. Same with m1t. If I ever lean out again, I may look into doing the real thing. And I only went through 1 bottle to boot. On other boards, most said 200mg is too low for most and would likely only cause shutdown w/o any of the benefits. Again, it was only 3 lbs but I didn't even want to gain but was trying to see if I could maintain and lean up above 175lbs.

This was last june at 170lbs. I actually prefer how I look here. Oh well... I'll be back there soon enough.

what do your arms measure?

gsteclipse97 what do your arms measure? I thnk he said they are 17.5. It is amazing what being cut does.

ryazbeck i noticed no sides on m1t but i didnt get very good gains, i cut for week 1 and then bulked alot the last 3 weeks. i forgot my dosage but it was 3 pills a day when the recommended was 2 a day. i went from 216 down to 209 after week 1 then back up to 214, i worked out hard, but i think my main downfall was not sleeping enough. So you used it for 4 weeks straight? At what dosage? I have some potential blood problems that's congenital so methyls aren't an option. 4-ad is still my favourite in terms of how I felt on it overall though maintaining a low dose of 1-ad makes me feel pretty good as well moodwise etc.

god i need bigger arms

ACURA TL-S I thnk he said they are 17.5. It is amazing what being cut does. This morning 17 5/8". Unfortunately my waist is up almost an inch. 28" this morning.

Timberwolf, everytime you post a new picture, I feel like shit and motivated to lift at the same time. Argh!!! Lookin' good though! I might have to try that stuff if it keeps working good for you!

timberwolf This morning 17 5/8". Unfortunately my waist is up almost an inch. 28" this morning. i wish i had your problem

Socrates Timberwolf, everytime you post a new picture, I feel like shit and motivated to lift at the same time. Argh!!! Lookin' good though! I might have to try that stuff if it keeps working good for you! oh god

jonno oh god seconded with an additional forehead slap followed by a heavy sigh

no, he thinks ur a fucking tool bag

My 1-ad experiment....

Training with a weight vest....

Training with a weight vest....

Does anyone use one or has used one in the past? I purchased one a few months ago.. I mainly got it to build up my endurance. I had 7 weeks of training with the Marines coming up and I knew I'd be going on several forced marches with at least 50 pounds of gear on my back. Anyway, it helped me through those weeks and now I use it regularly in my workouts. I max it out with 30 pounds and do about an hour of cardio with it on. Even on my non-cardio days I still use it. Any thoughts?

I always thought that would be an interesting varation to do with cardio, just couldn't warrant the price of the stuff though.

D-GUy I always thought that would be an interesting varation to do with cardio, just couldn't warrant the price of the stuff though. Yeah it was a bit pricey but the end justified the means in my case. I did try out a different brand before purchasing the one in the picture. I dropped 20 pounds in it and did my usual cardio routine. My whole body was burning after an hour and I felt like I had the best workout in a long time. My trainer tells me I'm crazy for wearing it but she did state that she is seeing results from my workout alot faster than some of her other clients that work out alot more. Which really doesn't mean anything but I know it works for me.

kind of expensive for a regular joe blow like me. I'm pretty sure it helps a lot but you can probably find a cheaper way to do it.

AmCo kind of expensive for a regular joe blow like me. I'm pretty sure it helps a lot but you can probably find a cheaper way to do it. Any ideas? A few of my friends are interested but, as some have mentioned, don't want to shell out a few hundred for the vest and weights. The only way I afforded it was with the 8 months worth of tax free money I got being overseas.

get a hunting vest and fill it with empty clips...or lead weights

Yeah, i'd love to have a vest... it would be so cool.

Training with a weight vest....

old shirts

old shirts

do guys make fun of you brolys because when you were your old shirts, your mass/muscle pops out and making it look like you're showing it off? discuss

probaby....behind my back

i think its kinda dumbwhen guys wear super tight shirts, snug shirts are okay, but child smalls are fucking retarded, its like they are trying to look big by wearing a tight shirt because they arent big.

a couple of days ago a couple friends and i went to get lunch. a friend of mine said, "jose you're getting bigger"(im really small to OT's standard). then another friend of mine immediately responded,"HAHA its just the small shirt that he wears". that kind a pist me off..i was 112 got up to 142 then went down to 134 i dont know how...but i wear small shirts because they used to be a loose when i was 112

tize yeah i look hot

old shirts





Its Coming!!!!!!! :noes:

Its Coming!!!!!!! :noes:

will they leave it at my door because im about to go

Ok. What is it?

cool man and

woah now

some people get excited about their new supps, i was telling everyone i met about mine i was so excited.

I just ordered mine today, hope they get here by the weekend

kronik85 some people get excited about their new supps, i was telling everyone i met about mine i was so excited. true

Achaotic Blend nice av....

Opi nice av.... You're fucking sucks too.

woah creatine and protein be careful with that stuff

Grouch You're fucking sucks too. tr00f

sr20wop tr00f :jerkmeoff:

Opi:jerkmeoff: So does that one. But this is OT and I'm sure your a political guru who benches 500 lbs.

you bought metabolic whey! Me & my bro ran out of ON, so he bought that stuff and it tastes horrible

Its Coming!!!!!!! :noes:



I hate chiropractors. After 5 - 6 treatments of A.R.T -- I feel ripped off. He didn't even understand what I was saying, and he just treated me the way he thought was correct. I don't want to lose hope in A.R.T because my shoulder is just killing me. Anyone else have a bad experience with A.R.T? For now, i'm blaming the lack of skillz of my chiropractor... /vent

Gutrat I hate chiropractors. After 5 - 6 treatments of A.R.T -- I feel ripped off. He didn't even understand what I was saying, and he just treated me the way he thought was correct. I don't want to lose hope in A.R.T because my shoulder is just killing me. Anyone else have a bad experience with A.R.T? For now, i'm blaming the lack of skillz of my chiropractor... /vent I have nothing but good things to say about my A.R.T treatments. I have been suffering from Plantar Fasciitis for just over 3 years now, and have tried everything aside from surgery (Physio, Night Splints, Orthotics, etc) and the only thing I feel that has truley benefited me has been constant stretching and ART. It also helps to have the leading practioner in the Country work on you. If you found the doctor(?) that was working on you to not listen or benefitting you at all that should of been the first sign to swtich to another clinic. Dont give up on it yet, if at all possible swtich to another clinic, and before the doctor (?) even starts tell him what exactly it is you want, what hurts, and what the other guy obviously didnt help you with. My doctor wrote a book thats extremely helpful for after-treatment care.

My chiropractor made me hurt worse and gave me headaches everytime I worked out for months.

Chiropractic Therapy =! A.R.T

My ART woman is pretty good. Definitely helped with my tendonitis.

I'll fix you in 3 and a half years

what exactly do art doctors do?

A Myotherapist treats the "hot spots" or muscles that pull you out of alignment. Combination therapy between the two is excellent.

christophers find a new art guy. find a new chiro too. chiros, art specialists, etc. are like EVERY medical type profession.. you'll find ones good and ones bad a good chiro is great, and a good art guy is great too. my gym has our own chiro and art guy and he rocks. Free of charge?

christophers for little tweaks and stuff yes, for full sessions its discounted a lot Isn't Diablo like $150/month or something crazy anyway? There should be some perks in there.

Woah, okay, well i'll find a new one... but why are they all chiropractors?


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