Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Protein debate. Good read if you are interested

Protein debate. Good read if you are interested

When you read all the debates and all sorts of studies and shit, you realize how much of this stuff has been known for so long. People just keep rehashing the same shit over and over and try to make different theories and stuff, but it all boils down to tried and true stuff from a long time ago. Whether it be techniques or nutrition or what not. I guess thats why Lyle doesn't want to keep writing all the time anymore.

Protein debate. Good read if you are interested

Questions Reguarding PH's

Questions Reguarding PH's

I know they are banned, but how do they continue to have PH forum up ang going still??? Are they illegal to buy them still? Not from retailers but can you buy them off teh street???

Jaccordan I know they are banned, but how do they continue to have PH forum up ang going still??? Are they illegal to buy them still? Not from retailers but can you buy them off teh street??? why would you take the risc with a pro hormone, might as well just go for the real shit. It dont make no sense to even fuck with em.

Im just asking questions about them. im just wondering how they continue this stuff when its illegal

its nto illegal to discuss them and how to use them, just illegal to buy, sell or possess

Well wheres everyone getting them if they are illegal??? Canada?

Jaccordan Well wheres everyone getting them if they are illegal??? Canada? just liek any other drug dude...

someone pm me info on where to get some

a lot of people bought and stocked up before the ban. the only one that i know you can buy is superdrol cause its not on the ban list yet. dont even bother with ph's now they are just as illegal as steroids might as well go the real deal. will probably be around the same price and better results

Jaccordan someone pm me info on where to get some Why? If you are going to buy and possess an illegal substance you might as well go for the juice.

PH's aren't for joo

you could have a forum about murdering babies if you wanted to

Sgt. Ownage you could have a forum about murdering babies if you wanted to What do you mean "could have"? I will send you a PM if you want in.

ACURA TL-S Why? If you are going to buy and possess an illegal substance you might as well go for the juice. Its not for me. One of my old partners emailed me and i told him i would look into it for him.

Jaccordan Its not for me. One of my old partners emailed me and i told him i would look into it for him. So? As was said, might as well go for the real thing since they're both illegal. And right before the ban, a lot of people stocked up on PHs.

Questions Reguarding PH's

only 3.5hrs of sleep - would u still hit the gym

only 3.5hrs of sleep - would u still hit the gym

Because of my crazed obsession of working on my car till the wee hours of the morning...I literally had about 3.5hrs of sleep last night. I was a mess at work and was falling asleep on the phone w/my girl earlier. I am kinda awake now, a tad groggy, but conscious. If you were in my situation-would u still go to the gym today? I try to go 7 days a week, just because I can since gym is soo close to me and its such a habit not that when i am forced to skip a day, i feel super guilty. **EDIT: I would do elliptical for 30-40min, no lifting.

fahrfrumlosin Because of my crazed obsession of working on my car till the wee hours of the morning...I literally had about 3.5hrs of sleep last night. I was a mess at work and was falling asleep on the phone w/my girl earlier. I am kinda awake now, a tad groggy, but conscious. If you were in my situation-would u still go to the gym today? I try to go 7 days a week, just because I can since gym is soo close to me and its such a habit not that when i am forced to skip a day, i feel super guilty. **EDIT: I would do elliptical for 30-40min, no lifting. yes but then zzZ

Caffeine and go! then sleep

i regularly get 4 hours of sleep saturday night, go to work at 2am on sunday, work for 8 hours and then go to the gym on my way home. So tough it out :P wont hurt ya

yes, i was there at 6:30 am this morning after only sleeping 11-12 hours over the last 3 nights

princess0fdiabl0 i regularly get 4 hours of sleep saturday night, go to work at 2am on sunday, work for 8 hours and then go to the gym on my way home. So tough it out :P wont hurt ya i'm pretty sure it will overtraining

depends how the week was going. if I could afford to take a day off, I would

Shaolin_sword36 i'm pretty sure it will overtraining one day, i doubt he would overtrain.

i wouldnt

princess0fdiabl0 one day, i doubt he would overtrain. he already goes 7 days a week (assuming medium to high intensity) that is overtraining as it is

I wouldent I am lazy and really like my sleep


Shaolin_sword36 he already goes 7 days a week (assuming medium to high intensity) that is overtraining as it is my bad, should have read the post closer, 7 days

you're not going to get much benefit until you actually rest and let your body recuperate, so why bother

only 3.5hrs of sleep - would u still hit the gym

getting used to my new gym... pro grip "rubber" db VS. full iron b

getting used to my new gym... pro grip "rubber" db VS. full iron b

[since google dont work, i can show the pics of the two] anyways, in my previous gym (2 years old---basically brand new) the dumbbells i used there for 2 years was the "rubber type". now in my new gym (same franchise) they have older weights, and the db and even plates are the old full iron ones. i dont know if its just me but the older full iron weights are heavier than the rubber type. for example, with the rubber type, i can do 90lbs db incline 4-6times. while with the full iron db, i can only do 80lbs 4-6 times same i notice with BB bench. anyone here ever had this kinda change?

they're steel, not iron

The YMCA near my house, where i work out during summer or when im home on a weekend from college has the steel DB's...they are not that heavier from the University Rubber DB's...

Ceaze they're steel, not iron ok, steel it is but yea, 45lbs rubber != 45lbs steel

deznutz The YMCA near my house, where i work out during summer or when im home on a weekend from college has the steel DB's...they are not that heavier from the University Rubber DB's... i also notice that, the higher the weights off the ground, the heavier they get

LS Boy i also notice that, the higher the weights off the ground, the heavier they get What?

45lbs = 45lbs I've never had problems with different dumbbells.

my gym has a mix of rubber and metals. the rubbers seem more heavy for some reason. I noticed that the grips on some of the metals are much fatter (i have long fingers) which I like and can lift a little bit more of

im thinking its the grips also..coz the rubber one has fatter grip compare to steel. all in all, weights is weights

seems like every time I use the steel weights, they are always loose and rickety, I like the rubber weights.

maybe the listed weight of the rubber DBs are the total weight, whereas the listed weight of the steel DBs only include the plate weights, not the handle?

heres the pic difference: rubber = steel =

I just hate the busted ass steel ones because they get shit all over. I always end up with powder/metal shavings/whatever all over me

KetchupKing maybe the listed weight of the rubber DBs are the total weight, whereas the listed weight of the steel DBs only include the plate weights, not the handle? That may be one of the dumbest things Ive read on this forum. wtg

iwishiwascool That may be one of the dumbest things Ive read on this forum. wtg Sounds like a reasonable explanation to me. stfu.

Boomer Sounds like a reasonable explanation to me. stfu. no, no it does not... why the fuck would someone sell u something gheavier than it actually is...

tize Big deal, get over it. Man up

iwishiwascool That may be one of the dumbest things Ive read on this forum. wtg Actually one of my gyms has the plate loaded ones and the "40's" have 4 10lb plates on them.

cavefish Actually one of my gyms has the plate loaded ones and the "40's" have 4 10lb plates on them. Same here, that's how my gym's are. I'm gonna see if I can take one of them on a scale and see the actual weight.

vettedude no, no it does not... why the fuck would someone sell u something gheavier than it actually is... kids these days.

nathanbx Same here, that's how my gym's are. I'm gonna see if I can take one of them on a scale and see the actual weight. i was gonna say, if you really think the weights are more or less than the actual weight of the dumbbell... go take it over to the scale and measure it. simple process. if you find that both weights weigh the exact same... then it's all a psychological factor of thinking "metal weighs more than rubber, this'll be harder".

iwishiwascool That may be one of the dumbest things Ive read on this forum. wtg

It depends on the manufacturer. Some are off 5-6 lbs. We actually were screwing around one day and put different plates on the scale. Some of them weighed 45 and a couple weighed 40. I believe Ivanako was true weight and the other plates under different manufacturers were not true.

Intellex I just hate the busted ass steel ones because they get shit all over. I always end up with powder/metal shavings/whatever all over me If I hit the rubber ones together they normally bounce off to much.

You shouldn't really be hitting the dumbells together that hard.

getting used to my new gym... pro grip "rubber" db VS. full iron b

Best OTC Antiperspirant?

Best OTC Antiperspirant?

Well ever since I have started my E/C stack a few weeks ago I have started to sweat pretty heavily under my I was wondering what everyone recommends for the best anti-perspirant. I currently use Degree, but it doesn't work well at all. Didn't want to post this in the main forum because of all the douchebags there and I would just get flamed more than actual advice, thanks.

Right Guard with the Power stripe works well. The key is to get anti-persperant and deoderant. Deoderant just covers the smell.

Mystery Guest Right Guard with the Power stripe works well. The key is to get anti-persperant and deoderant. Deoderant just covers the smell. this stuff smells good too

I went to Kroger the other day and saw this stuff called Mitchum...I thought I overheard somebody saying something good about it. I might go try and pick that up today.

Old Spice Red Zone has always worked for me.

red zone sucks, axe stick sucks, right guard sucks, speed stick sucks, mitchum is good...

While on the discussion of anti-perspirants, I have a few questions as well. I find that I sweat quite a bit even if I'm not physically active. My right armpit sweats sometimes for no reason at all. And when I'm at work (truck unloader) I get really bad swamp ass. Is there like some kind of pill I can take that will lower my overall perspiration because it's embarassign.

I use old spice soft solid. The green solid type red zone caused me to have a horrible burning when ever I put it on though, so I stay away from that.

ACURA TL-S I use old spice soft solid. The green solid type red zone caused me to have a horrible burning when ever I put it on though, so I stay away from that. That means it's working. When i went to a Doctor about my perspiration problems he prescribed me a product called Drysol that I'm supposed to put on my underarms before I go to bed, and rinse off in the morning. It's extremely itchy and burning, but that's normal. After 3 days of use my underarm perspiration completely stopped.

xpinchx That means it's working. When i went to a Doctor about my perspiration problems he prescribed me a product called Drysol that I'm supposed to put on my underarms before I go to bed, and rinse off in the morning. It's extremely itchy and burning, but that's normal. After 3 days of use my underarm perspiration completely stopped. Holy shit, I gotta look into that! I have same probs as you. Just sitting around doing nothing at all my pits start to sweat like mad, and I get swamp ass real easy....But thats normal, cause its Az and its fucking hot. But hate my pits sweating in the winter while watching TV. My undershirts go bad real fast. It sucks

xpinchx That means it's working. When i went to a Doctor about my perspiration problems he prescribed me a product called Drysol that I'm supposed to put on my underarms before I go to bed, and rinse off in the morning. It's extremely itchy and burning, but that's normal. After 3 days of use my underarm perspiration completely stopped. had the same problem, bought some drysol from an online pharmacy for $20 and apply it weekly, problem solved

White Holy shit, I gotta look into that! I have same probs as you. Just sitting around doing nothing at all my pits start to sweat like mad, and I get swamp ass real easy....But thats normal, cause its Az and its fucking hot. But hate my pits sweating in the winter while watching TV. My undershirts go bad real fast. It sucks Yeah, I rotate my white t-shirts every few months. I need to get some more drysol because the cold sweating is coming back . Read more about it here: and here: Note that 1/4 of the people on that website are pussies. After you put it on just suck it up and go to sleep and it'll be fine in teh morning. Nothing works nearly as good as Drysol, trust me. Ask your Doc about it.

++ to that Certain Dri stuff. It works like Drysol; you put it on at night before bed. It works really, really well. I used to live in a swamp (Houston), had horrible armpit sweat, but Certain Dri solved everything. Plus it's only like $6 too. Should be fairly common at local pharmacies.

Is there something that can be done about yellowing shirts? Not to worried about it on my regular t-shirts but my nice ones seem to get ruined quickly.

jshively Is there something that can be done about yellowing shirts? Not to worried about it on my regular t-shirts but my nice ones seem to get ruined quickly. Get this spot shot stuff, dont know what its called =/ but spray it on pits before put in wash, works wonders.

axe cause the ladies love it

jshively Is there something that can be done about yellowing shirts? Not to worried about it on my regular t-shirts but my nice ones seem to get ruined quickly. Yeah that's why I never really buy white shirts...they go bad after like 4-5 months, so it's not even worth it to me. My undershirts are horrible.

i use degree but I'm a pussy girl so who cares

i have to switch every 2 months or so, otherwise i start getting irritated..

I'm gonna try drysol, I sweat like crazy all the time.

cavefish Old Spice Red Zone has always worked for me. l

Ones that don't make you itch.

Soularis axe cause the ladies love it yeah they also love 8 inch diameter pit stains

bigbadben this is similar to what a friend of mine in england told me about last week. its called triple dry. im a bit nervous with the aluminum chloride in it. ive heard ppl getting cysts and stuff from it. although, it works great. i hate having sweat circles when i wear dress shirts.

Best OTC Antiperspirant?

OT p4p strongest guy

OT p4p strongest guy

who here is the strongest pound for pound?

brolli who here is the strongest pound for pound? probably premo... but i dunno, could be some lurker could be christophers, uncle john, pur, Filmy, or highway reaper just as well...

curiously, do you know their stats/lifts?

Me duh

PNHWrestler Me duh how could i forget about u...

tize chris most likely Probably

I would venture to say Preemo, but I don't know everybody's stats and bw so I'm not sure.

Bench, probably Uncle John. Squat and DL, probably Christophers, maybe pur. Overall in the big three probably christophers, but again maybe pur.

Didn't Preemo pull 500 at ~150-160, or wherever he is?

b-stevens Didn't Preemo pull 500 at ~150-160, or wherever he is? If I remember correctly he has pulled 500 at 165lbs and benched 335 (or maybe he was trying to bench 335). I don't remember reading what he squats though.

from christophers log:bodyweight: 230's bf: who cares im sexy as hell PR matrix/stats squat: 400 equip'd now: 655 equip'd bench: 275 equip'd now: 435 equip'd bench: 225 raw now: 365x3, unknown 1rm deadlift: 455 now: 635 i believe known ME moves, no equip used: 1 board: 375x1 2 board: 385x1 3 board: 405x1 pin press off chest: 325 weakpoint anderson squat from chains: 575 chain susp gm bellybutton height: 415x3 sumo deadlift: 585 low box squat shdlr width 12": 500x1 weakness pin pull below knee: 700ish x1 rev band dl avg band: 685x1

Lurker111 If I remember correctly he has pulled 500 at 165lbs and benched 335 (or maybe he was trying to bench 335). I don't remember reading what he squats though. haha i wish i was 165. i'd be fuckin massive best PRs for me (@154lbs) 335 bench (w/shirt), 325 (no shirt) 355 squat 500 deadlift

you only get a ten pound cary over with a shirt?

lol yeah i suck with it, i dont train with it that often. probably used it a total of 5 times so far

Not me I am fat and weak for how much fat I have

brolli, hands down

eliktronix brolli, hands down What are his numbers

What is "equip'd" on Christophers' log?

damn, those are impressive. Preemo, how long have you been training?

Socrates What is "equip'd" on Christophers' log? with a shirt or suit

uncle john

I'm pretty sure it's me. I can bench 165 and I weigh 122.

PreemO haha i wish i was 165. i'd be fuckin massive best PRs for me (@154lbs) 335 bench (w/shirt), 325 (no shirt) 355 squat 500 deadlift wtf man. my deadlift is significantly lower than my squat. squat: 455 dead: 365 im going to go cry now.

Atenza6i wtf man. my deadlift is significantly lower than my squat. squat: 455 dead: 365 im going to go cry now. your squat is supposed to be better than your deadlift

455 bench, 705 squat for 3, and a 605 dead, i dont use PL equipment and i also sqaut narrow and bench like a BB'er. Chris will be top dog in another year. Hes very close. I also have years on him in the gym along with elevated levels of "things" But did i bench at 197, my squat an dead at 219ish. I was 22 for the bench and 23 for the dead/squat. I couldnt even hold chris's weight belt in the gym right now.

OT p4p strongest guy

So who lives in California (san Jose area specially)?

So who lives in California (san Jose area specially)?

Any of you workout in the mornings?? There next monday for a week before heading to my brother's in Palm Springs and LA area.

gilroy....but i lift at night

me too

im about 45 or so min north, would never be able to get there and back with the traffic to work out in the morning

gsteclipse97 im about 45 or so min north, would never be able to get there and back with the traffic to work out in the morning Where do you usually workout? Maybe Grouch, nukegoat, you and I can get a workout together. I'll give an evening workout a try.

Can I join you guys PLEASE????

timberwolf Where do you usually workout? Maybe Grouch, nukegoat, you and I can get a workout together. I'll give an evening workout a try. do they sell day passes at whatever gym you will be going to?

timberwolf Where do you usually workout? Maybe Grouch, nukegoat, you and I can get a workout together. I'll give an evening workout a try. i work out at 24hr fitness, i have all gym access and a few guest passes i believe. the girl im datin works at one so i could probably get some more passes from her

gsteclipse97 i work out at 24hr fitness, i have all gym access and a few guest passes i believe. the girl im datin works at one so i could probably get some more passes from her My sister works out at 24hr Fitness too. She said she could get me a pass. What time do you usually workout?

timberwolf My sister works out at 24hr Fitness too. She said she could get me a pass. What time do you usually workout? i usually go sometime after work to the evening. im flexible if we all meet up. im off work around 530 usually and it would take me probably 45min to get to san jo through traffic from walnut creek

timberwolf Where do you usually workout? Maybe Grouch, nukegoat, you and I can get a workout together. I'll give an evening workout a try. I'll pick you up and we can head to gilroy if you want to work out at grouch's gym. its pretty decent i'd offer mine but its horrible

Awesome. Rememer, because its an evening workout, my strenght is halved. gsteclipse97, could you make it too? If not I'll workout with you on a separate day? Or we can all go to 24hr fitness as an option. vbmenu_register("postmenu_34014230", true);

24 hr fitness in San Jose are I liked Balleys and even Right stuff better, but I it doesn't matter to me now. Nights are the times, sometimes lunch time.

timberwolf Awesome. Rememer, because its an evening workout, my strenght is halved. gsteclipse97, could you make it too? If not I'll workout with you on a separate day? Or we can all go to 24hr fitness as an option. vbmenu_register("postmenu_34014230", true); i could probably make it, if we choose the day soon enough i could try to get outta work a little early to miss the traffic

El Dre 24 hr fitness in San Jose are I liked Balleys and even Right stuff better, but I it doesn't matter to me now. Nights are the times, sometimes lunch time. The Right Stuff!??!?! hahahahahahah thats where i go and it sucks my ass

timberwolf Awesome. Rememer, because its an evening workout, my strenght is halved. gsteclipse97, could you make it too? If not I'll workout with you on a separate day? Or we can all go to 24hr fitness as an option. vbmenu_register("postmenu_34014230", true); its ok, im a weakling anyways I'll PM you

So who lives in California (san Jose area specially)?

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