Sunday, November 17, 2013

Is eating alot of carbs before bed ok?

Is eating alot of carbs before bed ok?

If i am bulking, is eating alot of carbs before bed ok? I have been doing this alot lately and noticed that I have been getting alot of fat, especially in my tummy and also in my face. i hate having a pudgy face. is gaining excessive body fat a major side-effect to bulking or is there a way to bulk where i wont get a pudgy face and have fat building up around my tummy?

Is eating alot of carbs before bed ok?

Is eating alot of carbs before bed ok?

CP and lacking upper chest? where to add?

CP and lacking upper chest? where to add?

i want to hit upper chest more, following a cp routine. where can i throw it in? can a max movement be incline presses? i did inclines on my DE bench day today, didnt get much out of it. what about adding in db work or crossovers on de day? thx!

You can use incline press as a ME movement

incline db press as an accessory movement

i need mass from template manual

Ceaze incline db press as an accessory movement to replace one of 2 tri excercises, or in addition? thx

CP and lacking upper chest? where to add?

ECY stack?

ECY stack?

Sorry if I sound like an idiot. But what exactly is this and whats the point? Whats ECY stand for?

check the archives It stands for Ephedrine-Caffeine-Yohimbine and is used to lower bodyfat.

ECY stack?

Advice on good multi vitamins

Advice on good multi vitamins

i am looking for a good multi vitamin supplement to take daily, something thatll keep me healthy and energetic.

flinstones multi vitamins

Inferno69 flinstones multi vitamins tried those =P for some reason they dont work that well...

can't deny the taste though

i use liquid vits...

get those vits ceaze recommends

i can tell a big difference takeing the GNC mega men vitamins.

Moonwalker i can tell a big difference takeing the GNC mega men vitamins. as opposed to?

Moonwalker i can tell a big difference takeing the GNC mega men vitamins. i take this as well. Go flourescent urine!

Draco i take this as well. Go flourescent urine! oh shit i had that the other day what does that mean

it means you ate something radioactive and you're gonna DIEEEEEE arrgghhhh

Steal cut vitamins.

speaking steal cut, you should get steal cut oat capsules. they take steal cut oats and make them into powder and put them into capsules so you can swallow em down. they are like roids pretty much, but we already know that.

zyg0te as opposed to? not taking them

Advice on good multi vitamins

recommend an online herbal store, pls..

recommend an online herbal store, pls..

I need to get some more kava kava, walgreens doesn't carry it anymore and neither do the other stores. Can someone post a link to a really good herbal online store where i can order all my vitamins and herbs in the same place? Preferably one with good deals and service. I searched google and came up with a bunch of bullshit. Thanks...

1fast400 has a lot... check them out aka is awesome

does it have any side effects? I used to love that stuff b4 they took it off the shelves

recommend an online herbal store, pls..

Do you guys shave your arms?

Do you guys shave your arms?

Just wondering. I'm Italian and have hairy arms and everyone says something about them. Have you shaved your arms? How does it look, stubble?

I don't have very hairy arms so no I do not.

shave your arms.....

deznutz shave your arms..... Are you saying I should or not?

I say shave or trim them. I trim mine with clippers every few months. So most of the time it's not too long or too short.

don't really grow hair on them

Damn you women with no testosterone

Ghost Damn you women with no testosterone nah it just all grows on my face. I can grow a full beard in a couple days

Mike McShit No, because I am straight.

just use clippers with a guard, thats what i do. i used to shave them with a blade but it gets annoying doing it twice a week and if you dont then you have nasty stubble.

Get a good trimmer

Hip Hippo I don't have very hairy arms so no I do not. in.

No, but i trim my arm pits.

I'm going to shave my legs and wear a speedo around our neighborhood pool.

im like a hairless beast!

You can barely see the hair on my arms so I don't. I have a friend who told me that her bf shaves his arms because he grapples.

I'm not very hairy so I don't.

FredBull in.

You guys trim your arm hair?

i can understand shaving the chest.. back.. even your nuts, but stay the fuck away from arm and leg hair imo

princess0fdiabl0 i can understand shaving the chest.. back.. even your nuts, but stay the fuck away from arm and leg hair imo unless you are stepping on stage competing

no hair here

at the faggotry in this thread.


I used to, but it is too hard to keep up with. If you miss a day, it looks stubby. Stubby = gross looking.

Do you guys shave your arms?

OH man

OH man

So i've gotten back into lifting for the past month, things are going pretty good. Trying to get my routine and everything together. I got the pump. And it was "that" good. But really...does anyone have those faggoty ass non-gym kids with baggy clothes and their hats on sideways that hang out outside the gym? I was walking out all pumped and feeling good...then I hear "WHAT IT IS HO?!" and the dude cuts me off to run across the parking lot.... WTF.

1/10? Effort.

Uh yeah, happens to me all the time.

OH man

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