Sunday, November 17, 2013

Advice on good multi vitamins

Advice on good multi vitamins

i am looking for a good multi vitamin supplement to take daily, something thatll keep me healthy and energetic.

flinstones multi vitamins

Inferno69 flinstones multi vitamins tried those =P for some reason they dont work that well...

can't deny the taste though

i use liquid vits...

get those vits ceaze recommends

i can tell a big difference takeing the GNC mega men vitamins.

Moonwalker i can tell a big difference takeing the GNC mega men vitamins. as opposed to?

Moonwalker i can tell a big difference takeing the GNC mega men vitamins. i take this as well. Go flourescent urine!

Draco i take this as well. Go flourescent urine! oh shit i had that the other day what does that mean

it means you ate something radioactive and you're gonna DIEEEEEE arrgghhhh

Steal cut vitamins.

speaking steal cut, you should get steal cut oat capsules. they take steal cut oats and make them into powder and put them into capsules so you can swallow em down. they are like roids pretty much, but we already know that.

zyg0te as opposed to? not taking them

Advice on good multi vitamins

recommend an online herbal store, pls..

recommend an online herbal store, pls..

I need to get some more kava kava, walgreens doesn't carry it anymore and neither do the other stores. Can someone post a link to a really good herbal online store where i can order all my vitamins and herbs in the same place? Preferably one with good deals and service. I searched google and came up with a bunch of bullshit. Thanks...

1fast400 has a lot... check them out aka is awesome

does it have any side effects? I used to love that stuff b4 they took it off the shelves

recommend an online herbal store, pls..

Do you guys shave your arms?

Do you guys shave your arms?

Just wondering. I'm Italian and have hairy arms and everyone says something about them. Have you shaved your arms? How does it look, stubble?

I don't have very hairy arms so no I do not.

shave your arms.....

deznutz shave your arms..... Are you saying I should or not?

I say shave or trim them. I trim mine with clippers every few months. So most of the time it's not too long or too short.

don't really grow hair on them

Damn you women with no testosterone

Ghost Damn you women with no testosterone nah it just all grows on my face. I can grow a full beard in a couple days

Mike McShit No, because I am straight.

just use clippers with a guard, thats what i do. i used to shave them with a blade but it gets annoying doing it twice a week and if you dont then you have nasty stubble.

Get a good trimmer

Hip Hippo I don't have very hairy arms so no I do not. in.

No, but i trim my arm pits.

I'm going to shave my legs and wear a speedo around our neighborhood pool.

im like a hairless beast!

You can barely see the hair on my arms so I don't. I have a friend who told me that her bf shaves his arms because he grapples.

I'm not very hairy so I don't.

FredBull in.

You guys trim your arm hair?

i can understand shaving the chest.. back.. even your nuts, but stay the fuck away from arm and leg hair imo

princess0fdiabl0 i can understand shaving the chest.. back.. even your nuts, but stay the fuck away from arm and leg hair imo unless you are stepping on stage competing

no hair here

at the faggotry in this thread.


I used to, but it is too hard to keep up with. If you miss a day, it looks stubby. Stubby = gross looking.

Do you guys shave your arms?

OH man

OH man

So i've gotten back into lifting for the past month, things are going pretty good. Trying to get my routine and everything together. I got the pump. And it was "that" good. But really...does anyone have those faggoty ass non-gym kids with baggy clothes and their hats on sideways that hang out outside the gym? I was walking out all pumped and feeling good...then I hear "WHAT IT IS HO?!" and the dude cuts me off to run across the parking lot.... WTF.

1/10? Effort.

Uh yeah, happens to me all the time.

OH man



Anyone here been to Europe, especially France? I don't know if anyone eats there but my friends and I spent spring break in Paris and we were giants. It was interesting to me.

I've never been to Europe

Arent their food portions much smaller?

whats skinny-fat?

they eat a lot of bread and nasty thin *raw* ham with no mayo/mustard or cheese

5.10-Crux they eat a lot of bread and nasty thin *raw* ham with no mayo/mustard or cheese Carpaccio..

guestDJ whats skinny-fat? something you never want to be.

Ive been to Paris when i was about 10 years old. Couldnt stand the traditional food so it was McDonalds for about a week.

All I know is food is expensive as hell in Europe


On the Glycemic Index, why is glucose rated 100?

On the Glycemic Index, why is glucose rated 100?

On the Glycemic Index, why is glucose rated 100? On this site they state that glucose is taken as 100 since it causes the greatest and most rapid rise in blood glucose. However, from my knowledge, I have seen foods with higher GI ratings than 100. For example: "White rice, boiled, low-amylose (Turkey)" has a GI of 139, 42 carb/serve (g), and a 58.4 GL. All answers are appreciated.

because glucose is the reference food to which all the other foods on the index are compared

Ceaze because glucose is the reference food to which all the other foods on the index are compared Can you explain the statement that the website has made though? I know that is what is used as reference but I don't understand why they would say that glucose causes the greatest and most rapid rise in blood glucose when that other white rice stuff does it 39% faster.

dexterium Can you explain the statement that the website has made though? I know that is what is used as reference but I don't understand why they would say that glucose causes the greatest and most rapid rise in blood glucose when that other white rice stuff does it 39% faster. Actually, the site goes on to say glucose is absorbed quickly from the small intestine and GENERALLY causes the greatest and most rapid rise in blood glucose. So basically, this means it doesn't ALWAYS cause the greatest and most rapid rise in blood glucose, correct?

I thought glucose was sugar in your blood only?


Gutrat I thought glucose was sugar in your blood only? dextrose = glucose

On the Glycemic Index, why is glucose rated 100?

Taking a break from the gym

Taking a break from the gym

How often do you guys just take a break from the gym? Lately I've been feeling like shit, so I think I am just going to take a week off and eat slightly more (about maintenance). My body feels like it is going to shit on itself, but I can't tell the difference between overtraining and just being a pussy little bitch.

like every 6 months I usually take off, which falls around some sort of vacation time.

every 2-3 months usually, dpeending on how I feel

justdepends on my body. i've taken the past 8 days off. well for one because i had no money but i figured it'd be good because of my forearm feeling like shit, so i figured i'd rest it. but i'd say every 2 - 3 months as well for me.

6 months

Sounds good. I figured intense dieting + too much time in the gym for the past 4 months = me feeling like shit.

don't forget to take a week off your diet every 2 months give or take to give your body a break

Dragon don't forget to take a week off your diet every 2 months give or take to give your body a break yup yup. every 4-6 weeks for me. I was planning on dieting until may 15th then just bulking for 5-6 months, but my diet break might be coming a little earlier. plus, my weight is getting so low, my maintenance calories is like The motivation of being able to eat more while maintaining is reason enough to bulk.

I usually figure if I have 2 shitty days in a row, it's time to take a day off.

i take a week off every 6 weeks or so...

i take every other month off

Dragon don't forget to take a week off your diet every 2 months give or take to give your body a break x11ty eating normal feels great again, just getting used to eating more is annoying the first week or so.

Ceaze i take every other month off

dank Whats so funny? Also, i feel fan-fucking-tastic today.

i havent taken a break sense I started a year and a half ago.

The only time i take off from the off-days

Usually after 2 differnet workout routines. So 1 week off every 10 - 12 weeks or so.

half weeks off (4-5 days) every 2-3 weeks

I need to start going to the gym......

im taking a week off but because i've been sick

wow and i feel bad taking a week off to study for finals

every once in a while, it is good to completely take off entire week. that is if you have been training on a regular basis for a good 3 months basis.. you really need to make your body rest from training in order to perform better and not over train your body. in my opinion, you are over training if you work out 7 times/day, more than 2 hrs/day. everyone needs to take at least one day off a week. and any workout that goes over 3 hrs is overkill. unless of course you are an athelete and training for any event. its not how much time you spend at the gym, its HOW you spend it.. all about the quality! enjoy your break and recharge! and when you go back, get ready for another intense round!

devilangel in my opinion, you are over training if you work out 7 times/day I have to agree with that 100% =x

Ceaze I have to agree with that 100% =x shit.. hahahha i meant to say 6times/week <--- me hhaah

Taking a break from the gym

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