I don't know if I should be doing cardio or lifting...
I'm currently about 225 lbs @ 6'5". I don't have any significant muscle mass aside from my legs. I have a fairly large gut and butt and small bitch-tits that I have developed over the past year or so. My main goal is to cut down my BF percentage, but I'm not sure how to get there. At this point I'm not sure if I should diet + lots of cardio, or diet + lift + some cardio, or some other combination thereof. My main concern is, should lifting or cardio be my priority? I calculated my baseline calorie needs to be about 3,844 (6'5", 225 lbs, 18 years old.) How many calories should I be cutting in order to be losing weight? Thanks for any help.
Here's a "before" pic for reference. My main concern with just totally dropping all my body fat is my lack of muscle, so if I drop say 30 lbs, I'll be one skinny motherfucker. I'm guessing some weight training is in order, but I'll hear what OT F&N has to say.
Read the stickies in this forum and the F&N archives. Bascially, start cutting around BWx12 cal and adjust If your only going to do one thing, do weights, but there's no reason you can't and shouldn't do both.
you have nothing to cut too. lift and eat clean.
Grouch you have nothing to cut too. lift and eat clean. Thanks for the replies. Pretty much answered any questions I had.
Yup, just clean up the diet, and lift, you will be good. If you hit it hard enuff that stuff will go away fast...I know from experience.
I don't know if I should be doing cardio or lifting...