Thursday, January 9, 2014

where to buy some decent grippers?

where to buy some decent grippers?

I went out and paid $6 for some real shitty ones. They are too easy. I would go searching for that thread, but no orb=no search

you can search in FN,, thats all I can think of. I'm sure grouch will jump in on this. You could try training one finger at a time while you're waiting for the new ones to arrive.

just get some CoC from the trainer is too light, I would reccomend even for a beginner just the number 1 and number 2

brolli the trainer is too light, I would reccomend even for a beginner just the number 1 and number 2 How do you know what's going to be easy for him or not? And the trainer isn't necessarily useless if its too easy for you. You can do the spring mod that grouch did, one/two finger crunking, jaw strengthening, etc.

where to buy some decent grippers?

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