Tuesday, January 14, 2014

ON Whey Mint Chocolate taste...?

ON Whey Mint Chocolate taste...?

I like the regular chocolate, but kinda of getting tired of it. Anyone try the mint chocolate? Love or hate it? Whats your favorite flavor?

love it

I love mint but didn't really like the ON chocolate mint flavor. It was like a chemical mint flavor

I have both ON chocolate and mint. I like them both. Mint a lil bit better.

ON Strawberry > *, bitches.

i like the chocolate. i get tired of vanilla or strawberry

I lubberz teh choc mint

its good

Thats the one im using now.. tastes damn good

I don't really taste the MINT in my mint chocolate. I can smell it though...

Yea I also can barely taste the mint but smell makes it seem like it is going to taste like choclate mint ice cream.

I am getting tired of my ON choclate.

On Sugar Hill The only flavor I've tried is cookies and cream and it tastes pretty damn good. Tha FUCK?! CnC is the most awful whey flavor i've ever had. Chocolate mint smells like minty chocolate, but i couldn't really taste a difference.

On Sugar Hill The only flavor I've tried is cookies and cream and it tastes pretty damn good.

ON Whey Mint Chocolate taste...?

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