Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I broke my hand...

I broke my hand...

I got into a fight early Sunday morning and punched someone and broke my hand. It's like a boxer fracture. I actually lifted lightly Monday and it kinda hurt. I finally got an x-ray, because I wasn't sure if it was broken or not, and sure enough, there was a small fracture on my pinky in my left hand. I guess what my point is here, will I still be able to lift? Should I take a break? I go to the doctor on Thursday to get it put into a cast/splint/whatever they decide, and he should tell me the amount of time I should be out. What do you guys think I should do? How long do you think I will be out? I'm really dissappointed in myself and the fact that I won't be able to go to the gym. I've made some awesome gains over the last six-seven months, and do not want to see them go down the tube.

You shouldnt fight. Other than that im not a doctor so I dunno

Silver85327 You shouldnt fight. Other than that im not a doctor so I dunno Yeah, I know that much, it was a dumb decision, but I was provoked.

superbri007 sucks man. pics? I'll get the x-rays up sometime this week. It's not terrible, but it might keep me out for a couple weeks.

when I jacked my shoulder, I just did legs

That's not a boxer's fracture. You just broke your pinky. You need to get a cast for that pink asap and stop lifting for a year. Seriously stop lifting until it heals or else it'll never heal.

Soularis That's not a boxer's fracture. You just broke your pinky. You need to get a cast for that pink asap and stop lifting for a year. Seriously stop lifting until it heals or else it'll never heal. ehhh that happened to me. i just said fuck it and kept lifting through the pain and whatnot. my hand looks a little fucked up but at least i dont really care. i mean you can barely tell.... Ignore my previous advice.... just let the thing heal good luck

When I was 17, I fractured my ankle and was playing basketball in my cast 2 weeks later. Animal pride.

Ilyusha When I was 17, I fractured my ankle and was playing basketball in my cast 2 weeks later. Animal pride. shit man i had surgery on my elbow for a pinched nerve and was playin basketball again in 2-3 weeks. doc was pissed at me since it was supposed to be in a sling for a good couple months. maybe thats why my bench is soooo weak

If you don't have insurance, don't waste your money going to the doctor. I spent hundreds of dollars for a doctor to tell me that hand bones tend to heal themselves pretty well, and then gave me a splint that I took off after a day. If it's just a small fracture that doesn't really move, just give it some time and it'll heal itself. Here's what mine looked like. Don't mind the dark line that makes it look like my whole hand is broken. I took the picture with the xray held up to the sky, and that's a flag pole in the background. The fracture is circled on my ring finger. IBFathands

Do things that don't require putting a lot of stress on your hands... even if it's just lower body.

parvo99 If you don't have insurance, don't waste your money going to the doctor. I spent hundreds of dollars for a doctor to tell me that hand bones tend to heal themselves pretty well, and then gave me a splint that I took off after a day. If it's just a small fracture that doesn't really move, just give it some time and it'll heal itself. Here's what mine looked like. Don't mind the dark line that makes it look like my whole hand is broken. I took the picture with the xray held up to the sky, and that's a flag pole in the background. The fracture is circled on my ring finger. IBFathands you have fat hands edit:

Did you at least win the fight?

Broken Hand Crew! Cucumber: Lay off for at least a month, and maybe do legs or something. It sounds like your break wasn't that bad at all, but if you try and do too much with it you could make it alot worse. I had a break somewhat similar to parvo's, except it was the metacarpal connecting to my pinky, and it was shattered, and the one connecting to the ring finger was just slightly fractured. I had to have surgery, and it took two and a half months before I could even make a fist again, let alone lift without enduring pain on par with childbirth. I'm at month four and a half now, and I'm lifting pretty well, but several lifts still hurt pretty bad. Just gotta take it easy Oh well, at least now my fist is reinforced with titanium.

Brett95GST Did you at least win the fight? Yeah, I sure did. Background information being I'm about 6'4 220 and these two guys are both about 5'8" 150. There was a party at my house, and of course there was a keg. These two guys were in my room and they knocked my brand new bicycle off the wall. I asked them who did it, and they denied it. Didn't say sorry or anything. Then one of them (these guys are brothers, ages 19 and 21) told me to "suck his asshole" and I grabbed him and shoved him into the wall forcefully and told him to STFU and get out of my house. The older brother threw a full beer can and hit me in the head with it, then the younger one hit me in the side of the head, knocked me on my bed, which I jumped off of and hit the younger one in the eye and gave him six stiches. This hit was the one that broke my hand. I then hit the older one in the face about four times with my right hand before someone got him out of my room for fear that I'd do any more damage. I stand in my room for a few minutes and collect myself, then I head outside. I see the older brother still there, his face obviously battered, and I tell him to leave or I'll hit him again. He tried to mutter something, but I wasn't hearing it, so I grabbed him by his ears and head-butted him. The force of my head-butt knocked him down. After this, he left to my continuous drunken shit-talking. That's that. It sucks that this had to happen, but I was just defending myself. I usually don't like throwing punches, but oh well.

parvo99 If you don't have insurance, don't waste your money going to the doctor. I spent hundreds of dollars for a doctor to tell me that hand bones tend to heal themselves pretty well, and then gave me a splint that I took off after a day. If it's just a small fracture that doesn't really move, just give it some time and it'll heal itself. Here's what mine looked like. Don't mind the dark line that makes it look like my whole hand is broken. I took the picture with the xray held up to the sky, and that's a flag pole in the background. The fracture is circled on my ring finger. IBFathands I have insurance through my parents, and the co-pay is low. How long did it take for your hand to heal? My break looks similar, except it is on the pinky finger.

good party? how old are you?

Bush77 good party? how old are you? Great party...I turn 21 in two weeks.

tize Only badasses headbutt. I happen to be one of those badasses

cucumber Yeah, I sure did. Background information being I'm about 6'4 220 and these two guys are both about 5'8" 150. There was a party at my house, and of course there was a keg. These two guys were in my room and they knocked my brand new bicycle off the wall. I asked them who did it, and they denied it. Didn't say sorry or anything. Then one of them (these guys are brothers, ages 19 and 21) told me to "suck his asshole" and I grabbed him and shoved him into the wall forcefully and told him to STFU and get out of my house. The older brother threw a full beer can and hit me in the head with it, then the younger one hit me in the side of the head, knocked me on my bed, which I jumped off of and hit the younger one in the eye and gave him six stiches. This hit was the one that broke my hand. I then hit the older one in the face about four times with my right hand before someone got him out of my room for fear that I'd do any more damage. I stand in my room for a few minutes and collect myself, then I head outside. I see the older brother still there, his face obviously battered, and I tell him to leave or I'll hit him again. He tried to mutter something, but I wasn't hearing it, so I grabbed him by his ears and head-butted him. The force of my head-butt knocked him down. After this, he left to my continuous drunken shit-talking. That's that. It sucks that this had to happen, but I was just defending myself. I usually don't like throwing punches, but oh well. Did you do a double calf flex while pissing on both of them out of your 2 penises?

tize Only badasses headbutt. I happen to be one of those badasses in

cucumber I have insurance through my parents, and the co-pay is low. How long did it take for your hand to heal? My break looks similar, except it is on the pinky finger. Well, it was about a week and a half before I decided to get it checked out, and about 3 weeks after that before I could really use my hand to do light workouts, and I'd say about 2 months before it was 100%.

Sounds like you whooped some major ace...good job.

superbri007 no adamantium like wolverine no care actually, sorry you had to go through all that, but thats still kinda cool, You must be able to knock out in one punch I'll let you know how my reinforced fist works out... as soon as it stops bothering me like an enflamed hemmoroid. Right now, I don't think I could knock out Ashley Olsen without falling to the floor and crying from the fetal position. It's gonna be six more weeks before I can even THINK of even punching a heavy bag. Cucumber, you're lucky you didn't completely fuck up your hand. Throwing multiple punches was what made my hand turn to mush. It was a right bodyshot that nailed the guy's hip that really sealed the deal for me. Hope you heal faster than I am.

superbri007 no adamantium like wolverine no care

I broke my hand...

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