Sunday, November 10, 2013

Help out a newbie?

Help out a newbie?

Well I've been on for a while now, mainly lurking the Hot Deals section, but now I have entered the Fitness & Nutrition section in need of some guidance. Im 16 years old, about 5'7/8, 120lbs, pretty much im scrawny. Ive decided I want to get in better shape, I have pretty much only 2 goals, gain some weight and some muscle. This is where you guys kick in. I dont have any equipment and I dont have any time to go to the gym (with school & work). What would be the best way to achieve these goals? I want to workout my bicepts/abs, pretty much have a decent body overall. Are there any excersises without equipment that I can do as a starting point? (pushups, situps, pullups?) Also what would be the healthiest way to gain some weight without getting 'fat'? Sorry for any stupid questions, but like I said I dont have much experience with any of this stuff. Any input is appreciated.

No. You need to devote time to this. Not that much time, but time. To see any real gains, you will need equipment of some sort. Any other basic advice will be found in the archives and your questions answered there.

you're going to have to hit the gym

Pretty scrawny? My friend, I've wrestled 5'7-5'8" 135pounders, and they were skinny. You are a stick. Like Shaolin said, you have to hit the gym.

knucks Pretty scrawny? My friend, I've wrestled 5'7-5'8" 135pounders, and they were skinny. You are a stick. Like Shaolin said, you have to hit the gym. lol its true i guess... i dont have much time to hit the gym, so i guess i could focus my time on gaining some weight, any suggestions? ill probably end up buying some equipment in the future to start.

I see a couple outcomes to this story: 1) You will make time to work out and better yourself, 2) You will be scrawny. I can't imagine, at 16, not having 45-60 free minutes a day. Can't imagine that at any age.

Don't tell me that you don't have 45 minutes at least 3 times a week. You have to goto the gym. Your in high school right? There is no way you are overloaded with work. That's just not possible. People some how get this idea in their heads that anyone that is relatively "buff", that they go to the gym 24/7. Check out the stickies, and start eating. Posting pictures will help evaluate how scrawny you really are...but...for the moment eat somethign and start making a routine.

Eat. Eat. Eat. Get a gym membership, stop posting on OT and watching cartoons, and go spend 45minutes in a gym on the weekends and one day of the week.

I'm assuming you are in high school, most high schools have some sort of weight room for the athletic program. At my school it was open in the mornings before school mainly for athletes but also for anybody who was interested. Find out when it is open or take a "strength and coditioning class" (a common high school elective). If for some reason they say you have to be an athlete to use the weights druing non-school hours tell them you want to wrestle and need to get in shape, but that means when tryouts come around you will probably have to go out for it. Thats not a bad thing though, its more exercise and of all the sports I played in high school, it was my favorite. Cliffs: Man up and find a way, you're in high school and always have free time.

Gutrat Don't tell me that you don't have 45 minutes at least 3 times a week. You have to goto the gym. Your in high school right? There is no way you are overloaded with work. That's just not possible. People some how get this idea in their heads that anyone that is relatively "buff", that they go to the gym 24/7. Check out the stickies, and start eating. Posting pictures will help evaluate how scrawny you really are...but...for the moment eat somethign and start making a routine. I go to school from 830 to 230, after school I work from 3-8. I get home do my hw or whatever I have to do and usually end up calling it a day. Im sure gyms are open late but I dont have any method of transportation other than walking and the closest gym is probably a half hours walking distance. The only option I see available is as mention my school does have a weight room and im not too sure but I do believe its open in the morning. For now im going to try go gain some weight before hitting the gym, what routines would you guys suggest? Normally I have a small breakfast in the morning, lunch around 12, then dinner at 8 and occasionally ill eat something at work. Any foods in particular I should focus on?

what do u do saturday and sunday?

vettedude what do u do saturday and sunday? Saturday I work from 9-6 sunday I dont really do much, hang out with friends or whatever.

Your mornings are open, possibly lunch, a good chunk of saturday and all sunday, "not enough time" is no excuse.

Ix dOc xI lol its true i guess... i dont have much time to hit the gym, so i guess i could focus my time on gaining some weight, any suggestions? ill probably end up buying some equipment in the future to start. In the time you sat at your computer to wait for a response, you could have finished you workout. Get a cab, ride a bike, do what it takes. Get motivated. Excuses are the product of a weak will and mind. GOGOGOGO. house -----> -----> Outside

you work mon - fri from 3 - 8? If you just take one day off say wednesday you could get a nice schedule going. Every wed and sun you could hit the gym hard while eating a lot during the week. Maybe instead of taking wed completely off you could arrange to leave around 4 or 5. Tell your bosses its something you have to do, like help your parents out with their business or somthing. If you want it bad enough you can do it. Believe me, once you start getting used to hitting the gym youll becaome addicted to it. I dont feel right anymore if I miss a workout day, it bothers me. But its a fabulous feeling. 100 times better than not cutting a day off from work.

Hoodoo In the time you sat at your computer to wait for a response, you could have finished you workout. Get a cab, ride a bike, do what it takes. Get motivated. Excuses are the product of a weak will and mind. GOGOGOGO. house -----> -----> Outside Ok that was just retarded, I posted it a bit before midnight, im not going to be going to the gym that late...

guestDJ you work mon - fri from 3 - 8? If you just take one day off say wednesday you could get a nice schedule going. Every wed and sun you could hit the gym hard while eating a lot during the week. Maybe instead of taking wed completely off you could arrange to leave around 4 or 5. Tell your bosses its something you have to do, like help your parents out with their business or somthing. If you want it bad enough you can do it. Believe me, once you start getting used to hitting the gym youll becaome addicted to it. I dont feel right anymore if I miss a workout day, it bothers me. But its a fabulous feeling. 100 times better than not cutting a day off from work. Thank you, this is by far the best reply as of yet. I thought it over and I talked to a friend of mine and looks like we might be hitting the gym sat evening and sunday, and possibly tues or wed (gotta talk to my boss first). What would be a good starting point once I hit the gym? How long is the average workout?

Help out a newbie?

How far apart shoulds hands be on a close grip bench press?

How far apart shoulds hands be on a close grip bench press?

I put mine about 4".

NickStam I put mine about 4". Shoulder width is where you get the maximal press (length of motion) with the triceps with minimal stress on the wrists.

I think it is more/less a matter of what you're comfortable with. I'd say mine are maybe 8" apart. If I get much narrower than that it kills my wrists.

shoulder width is good for me.

smoother part of the bar right next to the grippy part

NoXeN smoother part of the bar right next to the grippy part too much technical jargon

i hold the smooth part in the middle

How far apart shoulds hands be on a close grip bench press?

WTF Tize?

WTF Tize?

Whats with all the ?

He must be happysad

WTF Tize?

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

I don't know if I should be doing cardio or lifting...

I don't know if I should be doing cardio or lifting...

I'm currently about 225 lbs @ 6'5". I don't have any significant muscle mass aside from my legs. I have a fairly large gut and butt and small bitch-tits that I have developed over the past year or so. My main goal is to cut down my BF percentage, but I'm not sure how to get there. At this point I'm not sure if I should diet + lots of cardio, or diet + lift + some cardio, or some other combination thereof. My main concern is, should lifting or cardio be my priority? I calculated my baseline calorie needs to be about 3,844 (6'5", 225 lbs, 18 years old.) How many calories should I be cutting in order to be losing weight? Thanks for any help.

Here's a "before" pic for reference. My main concern with just totally dropping all my body fat is my lack of muscle, so if I drop say 30 lbs, I'll be one skinny motherfucker. I'm guessing some weight training is in order, but I'll hear what OT F&N has to say.

Read the stickies in this forum and the F&N archives. Bascially, start cutting around BWx12 cal and adjust If your only going to do one thing, do weights, but there's no reason you can't and shouldn't do both.

you have nothing to cut too. lift and eat clean.

Grouch you have nothing to cut too. lift and eat clean. Thanks for the replies. Pretty much answered any questions I had.

Yup, just clean up the diet, and lift, you will be good. If you hit it hard enuff that stuff will go away fast...I know from experience.

I don't know if I should be doing cardio or lifting...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

These guys still have 1-AD if anyone is interested...

These guys still have 1-AD if anyone is interested...

We have over 40 cases still in stock as of February 16th. WE ARE THE ONLY STORE WITH STOCK LEFT. BUY FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE AND IT WILL NOT SHIP.

poke already bought all of them


1ad isnt even worth the risk of getting busted for buying a controlled substance

i dont plan on buying any, but is it better than M1T?

How is this legal?

How is this legal?
i dont think it is

way too risky, especially from an unknown place like that

way too risky, especially from an unknown place like that
They don't seem unknown to me.. I ordered some shit from them today in fact and the transaction went very smoothly. They even have a "Click to Talk" feature which calls your phone and then directly connects you to a CS rep.

Definitely not the sort of features you'd find on a cheap thrown together website.

I didn't order the 1-AD btw... Don't need it right now. Just sharing with others in case they were interested.

I hope they have fun when the feds raid their ass.

Originally Posted by Fishbait
They don't seem unknown to me.. I ordered some shit from them today in fact and the transaction went very smoothly. They even have a "Click to Talk" feature which calls your phone and then directly connects you to a CS rep.

Definitely not the sort of features you'd find on a cheap thrown together website.

oh I've never heard anyone recommend this site, well that's a good thing to know

Originally Posted by denial
taken off now
well that sux... i wonder which jackfucker made that happen.

was only trying to help peeps out.

well that sux... i wonder which jackfucker made that happen.

was only trying to help peeps out.

What part about ILLEGAL didn't you understand?

Not 1-ad but isn't this a prohormone too?

Not 1-ad but isn't this a prohormone too?

Boldione isn't on the ban list

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Best power lifting techniques

Best power lifting techniques 

Best power lifting techniques

To train for speed and power you should train like a sprinter. They do a lot of power lifting techniques and plyometrics in the offseason.

Cleans and jerks
Bench press
Military press
Box jumps
Depth jumps

For endurance I employ what's known as power endurance. I do this with the mma fighter that I trained. It's a form of Tabata cardio on the treadmill. There are 5, 3 minute rounds in mma. So we train with 3 minutes on, 1 minute off at 80% power in the sprint. Most humans just can't handle this.

You can also do 1 minute on at 90% intensity and 1 minute off.

Making use of speed ladders, mini hurdles, shuttle sprints and plyoball slams are all great too.

Having big muscles isn't great for functional sports. Look at American Gladiators - they were always outsmarted by real athletes. 

Best power lifting techniques

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