Thursday, January 9, 2014

Which is better?

Which is better?

To do a set of everything every day? Or to just work 1 area per day over a week?

03RSX-S To do a set of everything every day? Or to just work 1 area per day over a week? of those two choices 1 area a day over a week. why don't you split it up into about 3-4 sessions though?

well I'm not looking for major mass, just a lil bit. So its much easier for me to do it every day for 10-15 minutes, then to dedicate 20 minutes to one muscle. I was just wondering if I'm losing out on rate of improvement.

03RSX-S well I'm not looking for major mass, just a lil bit. So its much easier for me to do it every day for 10-15 minutes, then to dedicate 20 minutes to one muscle. I was just wondering if I'm losing out on rate of improvement. i'm pretty sure you don't want to do a set of everything everyday. you're body builds muscle in the down time, not while you are exercising. so you need to give your muscle about 24-48 (some say 48-72) hours of recovery time after a workout.

split it up

Which is better?

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