Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hammer curls to build "muscle under the bi"

Hammer curls to build "muscle under the bi"

so using db's and doing hammer curls there is a muscle that wil give a larger overall appearence to the bi? is this correct or in the area?

do deadlifts

The muscle under the bi is the coracobrachialis, given its name because of its proximal insertion at the coracoid process of the scapular. Its role is flexion of the arm, it has some week adducting abilities also. I don't see any real reason that hammer curls would target this muscle. Possibly he could also meen the Brachilalis, it is responsible for flexion of the elbow. Perhaps he thinks that this muscle acts to cancel the forearm supination caused by biceps but it is unaffected by any pronation/supination of the forearm

I do hammer curls.

i know what your tryin to say. hammer curls and especially overhand curls will fill you out like i think you want.

willg133 do deadlifts

edd91 The muscle under the bi is the coracobrachialis, given its name because of its proximal insertion at the coracoid process of the scapular. Its role is flexion of the arm, it has some week adducting abilities also. I don't see any real reason that hammer curls would target this muscle. Possibly he could also meen the Brachilalis, it is responsible for flexion of the elbow. Perhaps he thinks that this muscle acts to cancel the forearm supination caused by biceps but it is unaffected by any pronation/supination of the forearm Damn you comparative anatomy and vert phys, I should not understand this.

edd91 The muscle under the bi is the coracobrachialis, given its name because of its proximal insertion at the coracoid process of the scapular. Its role is flexion of the arm, it has some week adducting abilities also. I don't see any real reason that hammer curls would target this muscle. Possibly he could also meen the Brachilalis, it is responsible for flexion of the elbow. Perhaps he thinks that this muscle acts to cancel the forearm supination caused by biceps but it is unaffected by any pronation/supination of the forearm I understand this just fine, but think you're a tool for using this type of language considering most people like the "POSTER" get 0 out of it.

Copy N Paste nugga

Mystery Guest Copy N Paste nugga I didn't copy/paste shit

yea i find it hard to believe any medical text online would say "week" instead of "weak."

i do a lot of hammer curls. is that why i have hotdog biseps?

Grouch i do a lot of hammer curls. is that why i have hotdog biseps? yeah, it is. btw your biseps are week

edd91 I didn't copy/paste shit Well if it wasn't then take it as a compliment

dank yeah, it is. btw your biseps are week your spelling is weak

edd91 The muscle under the bi is the coracobrachialis, given its name because of its proximal insertion at the coracoid process of the scapular. Its role is flexion of the arm, it has some week adducting abilities also. I don't see any real reason that hammer curls would target this muscle. Possibly he could also meen the Brachilalis, it is responsible for flexion of the elbow. Perhaps he thinks that this muscle acts to cancel the forearm supination caused by biceps but it is unaffected by any pronation/supination of the forearm Actually the muscle known as Biceps Brachii is the superfical muscle of the humerus and it is able to flex when the forearm is supine (when the palm of your hand faces up). Brachialis is the major forearm flexor (bends arm at elbow) and is deep to the Biceps Brachii. Brachialis would therefore be used more appropriately when the forearm is not in the supine position, and thus hammer curls would target Brachialis (the bigger of the two muscles) to a greater extent.

Gutrat your spelling is weak your sarcasm detector is busted

cunninglinguist your sarcasm detector is busted or the batteries could be low.

edd91 The muscle under the bi is the coracobrachialis, given its name because of its proximal insertion at the coracoid process of the scapular. Its role is flexion of the arm, it has some week adducting abilities also. I don't see any real reason that hammer curls would target this muscle. Possibly he could also meen the Brachilalis, it is responsible for flexion of the elbow. Perhaps he thinks that this muscle acts to cancel the forearm supination caused by biceps but it is unaffected by any pronation/supination of the forearm ugh, yeah...we get it..but for someone who writes that much shit, your spelling of simple words sucks ass. you're not impressing anyone

Dr. Feel Good Actually the muscle known as Biceps Brachii is the superfical muscle of the humerus and it is able to flex when the forearm is supine (when the palm of your hand faces up). Brachialis is the major forearm flexor (bends arm at elbow) and is deep to the Biceps Brachii. Brachialis would therefore be used more appropriately when the forearm is not in the supine position, and thus hammer curls would target Brachialis (the bigger of the two muscles) to a greater extent. I disagree, in both flexion with supination of forearm and semi-pronation, the Brachialis is equally recruited, just the biceps arent recruited with supination. It is inserted at the ulna which hardly moves in supination And if you guys dont like my posts, then ok I won't answer people any more

dank yeah, it is. btw your biseps are week They are still prolly bigger than yours.

tize I like em, don't listen to mike he is just a jealous little bitch mm hmm

edd91 The muscle under the bi is the coracobrachialis, given its name because of its proximal insertion at the coracoid process of the scapular. Its role is flexion of the arm, it has some week adducting abilities also. I don't see any real reason that hammer curls would target this muscle. Possibly he could also meen the Brachilalis, it is responsible for flexion of the elbow. Perhaps he thinks that this muscle acts to cancel the forearm supination caused by biceps but it is unaffected by any pronation/supination of the forearm nice

Hammer curls to build "muscle under the bi"

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