Thursday, January 30, 2014

So in about two weeks...

So in about two weeks...

Even if you chalk 10 pounds up to water weight (first weigh in was at night, next one was early in the morning), I still lost 10 pounds to medically induced malnutrition! w00t!

So in about two weeks...

So in about two weeks...

Vitamin Question

Vitamin Question

Does anyone know how long I can expose vitamins to air before they start losing their potency? I travel alot and usually put my vitamins in those plastic vitamin things, but I'm afraid that by opening and handling the vitamins all those times, it will expose the vitamins to air for too long.


I don't think being exposed to air does anything, but sunlight does.

redking Does anyone know how long I can expose vitamins to air before they start losing their potency? I travel alot and usually put my vitamins in those plastic vitamin things, but I'm afraid that by opening and handling the vitamins all those times, it will expose the vitamins to air for too long. No different then opening up the bottle everyday to get a vitamin.

as long as you're not leaving them to sit out in the elements or something I don't see a problem with it.

Vitamin Question

F & N jews... passover is killing my energy

F & N jews... passover is killing my energy

Maybe I am not being creative, but not being able to eat starches and leavened foods is killing my energy levels. I need to get maltodextrin, which I assume is ok for the days of passover?!?! is it? Are any of you guys following the holiday properly? (Apparantly I cant even have my shakes with my meals cause of there contents!! Passover is killing my workouts )

I'm actually not keeping passover this year, but here are some good foods to eat for carbs: rice (if you're sephardic rice is ok) Whole wheat matzah (actually isn't bad. I think it tastes better than white) apples bananas potatoes ( i lived off baked potatoes last year) more apples Technically, malto is a corn product and corn products are a on passover Article about malto and passover

maltodextrin is a starch

Ceaze maltodextrin is a starch I hate eating matzah, it just doesnt taste right with things like tuna and stuff. Since saturday I have been sooo low energy and have noticabley lost weight. Probably water mainly, but I am lethargic without my lean gainer shakes and my pastas and everything. Passover is going to make me go into keto

You're Jewish? I am not celebrating..

pre-law or pre-med?

Perplexed Stop being a jew BOOYAH!

lol, at first glance i read "F'n jews" and thought it was gonna be an anti-semetic rant.

kronik85 lol, at first glance i read "F'n jews" and thought it was gonna be an anti-semetic rant. same here.

Mass pre-law or pre-med?

Are oats ok?

Ilyusha You're Jewish? I am not celebrating.. :slovo: I never kept it even when I lived in Israel

hm i actually had some bacon with bread this morning.. im a bad jew

Ilyusha You're Jewish? I am not celebrating.. yep why no celebrate?

2000GT yep why no celebrate? I dunno.. I've been bad with the holidays lately. I went to an orthodox Jewish school for.. 8.. years.. .. so I had A LOT of time to celebrate and learn the Torah and such. I'll get back on the wagon in time for Yom Kippur.

Mass pre-law or pre-med? lol. I am a network/telecom admin not smart enough to be a doc.

Ilyusha I dunno.. I've been bad with the holidays lately. I went to an orthodox Jewish school for.. 8.. years.. .. so I had A LOT of time to celebrate and learn the Torah and such. I'll get back on the wagon in time for Yom Kippur. I hate doing the fast. this is almost more painfull though

2000GT I hate doing the fast. this is almost more painfull though Last year, I boned on Yom Kippur and had a not so good rest of the year. So this year, I'm fasting like a motherfucker.

Ilyusha Last year, I boned on Yom Kippur and had a not so good rest of the year. So this year, I'm fasting like a motherfucker. dont fuck with the holiest day of the year!

2000GT dont fuck with the holiest day of the year! Nevar again!@~

F & N jews... passover is killing my energy

Nolva Question....

Nolva Question....

My nolva caps are 50 MGS each, I should be taking 40 mgs first week, then 20mgs for 4 weeks after that..... Is 50mgs too much for all 5 weeks? Any negative side effects?

they are caps and not tabs right? no chance of split a cap?


TheChosen My nolva caps are 50 MGS each, I should be taking 40 mgs first week, then 20mgs for 4 weeks after that..... Is 50mgs too much for all 5 weeks? Any negative side effects? Do they not give you instructions on the bottle they came in? If they're 50mg capsules, I would think you're supposed to take 50mg each time. I don't see why you would want to take the capsules apart anyways.

Peal they are caps and not tabs right? no chance of split a cap? I wish they were tabs, they are caps, if i split, shits gonna go all over

50 mgs will be fine. I know some people after a cycle will do 60mg-40-20, or even 80-60-40-20.

where do you buy novla? need a prescription? or I prefer CNW because they actually give you a measuring thingy, ibe gives you a dropper, which is a pain in the ass. Spend the extra money

I just ordered some Rebound XT ... I'll see how this stuff works out, good reviews on anabolic though

Nolva Question....

My breakfast *PICS* :noes:

My breakfast *PICS* :noes:

modeling that shit huh?

how many cals? doesnt look like much

that bulk nutrition shaker sucks mad dick

Crappy camera.

wheres the food?

please tell me that OJ and not raw eggs...

My breakfast *PICS* :noes:

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

Initially when starting back at the gym (after a month or 2), I would feel that really nice muscle pain. However after a week or 2 it would go away and never come back again as long as I routinely went to the gym...does this mean I am not working out hard enough? I want to feel that damn pain.

kingrukus does this mean I am not working out hard enough? No.

ok thanks

What Ceaze said :P Soreness after workouts isn't an adequate indicator that you had a good workout. As long as you're progressing- more weight, more reps, etc- you're doing fine.

if i dont workout hard enough i dont get sore, only goes for my chest, lats, quads and butt. i randomly get sore in my arms and shoulders

Are you taking any supplements? They can aid in loss of muscle fatigue. I really haven't felt any pain after a work out in a few years.

no supplements here. i think i get sore because i dont eat enough because im so poor.

Mike4831 Are you taking any supplements? They can aid in loss of muscle fatigue. I really haven't felt any pain after a work out in a few years. No, no suppliments other than taking Whey occasionally (which I am going to start taking everyday).

ryazbeck no supplements here. i think i get sore because i dont eat enough because im so poor.

kingrukus No, no suppliments other than taking Whey occasionally (which I am going to start taking everyday). Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap.

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap.

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap. my kidneys *ACK* FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lylemcd I would strongly argue that DOMS is a pretty worthless indicator of muscle damage. Just too much variance there and any researcher who used something so subjective would be doing a pretty bad job of it. Resercher: So, are you sore today? Subject: Yup, my hips feel like I'm a hooker who serviced the fleet last weekend. Researcher (makes mark on clipboard): Yup, he's got that thar muscle damage. Sorry, that's crap. Lyle .

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap. Are you serious

Whey protein is dangerous unless taken in VERY small doses.

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

How do I permanently remove a hair?

How do I permanently remove a hair?

I wasn't sure exactly where to post this question but i figure this forum is the most appropriate where I may get serious replies. I basically have this one single hair growing on my right arm that is long. My arms are generally hairless, but i got this one hair that just keeps growing back. it is very unsightly. It is actually white colored hair (im asian) and it grows about one inch in length. Everytime i cut it or tear it out, it just grows back. It's ugly! Im afraid to cut it or pull it again cuz im afraid it might grow back thicker and thicker and become one of those nasty big thick hairs that can be seen a mile away. I seen on a TV infomercial before that there is this electronic device where you clamp over a piece of hair and you activate it to send a pulse and it supposedly sends an electronic pulse down to the root of hte hair and prevents it from growing back. So basically, my question is, how do i kill this fucker and prevent it from growing back?

just keep plucking it or shaving it. hair doesnt grow back thicker, it's a myth..that's not how your endocrine system works. just keep cutting it


superbri007 electrolysis, or laser sugery, i believe. But very very expensive. Save your hairs, I bet we'll have an Ice Age in our lifetimes hippy

I keep gettin some random hairs that grow what seems like a inch over night

Electrolysis/lasers. It's one hair, shouldn't be too expensive. See a dermatologist or even a plastic surgeon.

Burn yourself to kill your hair follicle and create forever ingrown hair?

mtnbike4522 I keep gettin some random hairs that grow what seems like a inch over night those monsters started popping up on my shoulders

just wax it/pluck it, you pussy.

~*Pogovina*~ just wax it/pluck it, you pussy. this isnt about the pain. i plucked it a few times and it just grows back. my entire arm is bare except for this one lone hair which makes me look like a freak. i want to remove it permanently.

is it that tought to just pluck it out every other week?

Phlab is it that tought to just pluck it out every other week? for the rest of my life, yes.

I believe scar tissue does not grow hairs, so you can just cut yourself. Just remember it's down the road, not across the street. Or you can just pass a razor over it everytime you take a shower, it can't be that much of an inconvenience. EDIT:If it's white, then it should not be that noticeable anyways.

How do I permanently remove a hair?

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