Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Post-bulking *PICS* of me v.imnowfatlikechristophers

Post-bulking *PICS* of me v.imnowfatlikechristophers

Ok, these first pics are from October, I was about 200lbs (6'1"). This was after about 5 months of cutting. I have been bulking hardcore since then and am now at 230 lbs. I'm taking next week off for Spring Break then dieting all spring and summer. Here are pics taken today. So there they are. Being thsi fat gives me plenty of motivation to cut. I can't wait to get back to eating healthy, mixing in more physical activity, and overall just feeling better.

live strong! Nice gains Post your very very very starting pic for some motivation to the light weights here

Excellent Work Werdna. Excellent gains. I admire people like you who can bulk and cut with hard work.

How long have you been training?

shit, ur still thin even in the bulking pictures, i need to post some of my fat ass whenb i weighed 265...

you should stay fat for awhile before cutting

I would have been happy with the body you had in the first picture, damn.

get fatter

wow, quite a difference, how have your numbers changed?

holy shit. good bulk

you got you some love handles like me

Welsh0913 live strong! Nice gains Post your very very very starting pic for some motivation to the light weights here

Ceaze you should stay fat for awhile before cutting why?

Your teeth are very very white

Werdna why? More fat = more gains

Welsh0913 Your teeth are very very white Poor photoshopping. I do it all the time!

nice progress broly

amazing, are body types are so much alike. I look like your current pics right now as well. You don't look like you have a lot of fat around your waist, but its there isn't it? Thats how I am. Looks like your neck/chin area got a little fat on it, thats the only thing pissing me off about bulking.

SickLife holy shit. good bulk .

What are you gonna cut back down to?

i have those same board shorts good job bulking

any gains on your lifts?

Woah.. nice work, fatmo.

Good Job on gaining but like you said you don't look 230

have your gains gone up respectively? if not, hang out at fattyville for a while

Post-bulking *PICS* of me v.imnowfatlikechristophers



Is it me, or is F&N getting a lot of new attention from other members (from OT main)? What changed to make F&N the new hotness?

summertime baby

Mistich summertime baby Figures.


~*Pogovina*~ it's "OMGIGOTTALOSEWEIGHTFAST!!!11ONE" season Yup, you know it Pog.

this should count as forum invasion

evi1eddie this should count as forum invasion

Because we run this bitch.

cavefish Because we run this bitch. word up son!

we've been too nice to the newbs of late, time to start crackin the again

It's like it's a january down the gym. when you have all the new people doing their "new years resolution" to get fit. These people are normally gone by march/april

OMG, everyday it gets worse! Do people actually want to get into shape a couple of weeks before summer?!

Gutrat OMG, everyday it gets worse! Do people actually want to get into shape a couple of weeks before summer?! Like it or not, people honestly believe sculpting a hard body only takes a few weeks. Then it leads to disapointment..then they quit...and then everything is ok again

Gutrat What changed to make F&N the new hotness? My pictures in the other thread.

I think it's funny. A few of my mates are like hey i'm gonna start down the gym and get in shape for summer. I'm like what summer 2006? SIlly people.

its gotten worse since people without subscriptions cant search its harder to tell a newbie off

lol at noobs (like me) hating on other f&n noobs

A conversation between me and a kid (pudgy) at work yesterday: Him: So what sort of pills should I take to get in shape for the summer? Me: Arsenic? Him: No, really. I really want to get in shape for prom (Like, next week), but if there isn't something that can do that, I want to look good on the beach. Me: Well, what about diet and exercise? Him: I've been trying. I switched to light cream cheese and I do curls and walk on my treadmill each night. Me: Definetly go with the Arsenic.

Patrick Bateman :broly:

Le55Than0 A conversation between me and a kid (pudgy) at work yesterday: Him: So what sort of pills should I take to get in shape for the summer? Me: Arsenic? Him: No, really. I really want to get in shape for prom (Like, next week), but if there isn't something that can do that, I want to look good on the beach. Me: Well, what about diet and exercise? Him: I've been trying. I switched to light cream cheese and I do curls and walk on my treadmill each night. Me: Definetly go with the Arsenic.


EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

anyone ever give it a try? I got some sample packs today, having my first one right now after going to the gym, and going to bed in an hour... it tastes quite good with water, mixes without clumps, does have a slight aftertaste but not too bad its got quite a bit of shit in it though, was pretty surprised. 340 calories (160 from fat) 18g Fat (8g Sat Fat) 10mg Cholesterol 12g carb 2g fiber 4g sugars 32g protein (somebody help me out here, what the fuck does IU stand for when talking about vitamins) Vitamin A, C and E Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vtiamin B6 and B12 Folate Biotin Pantothentic Acid Calcium (160mg) Iron (7mg) Phosphorus Iodine Magnesium (160mg) Zinc (5mg) Selenium Copper Manganese (1mg) Chromium (58mcg) Potassium (410mg) i skipped a few, those weren't important... now the rest, the more important things Multi-State Protein Blend - 32g Whey Protein Concentrate Whey Protein Isolate Calcium and Sodium Caseinates Micellar Casein Colostrum Glutamine Peptides Taurine then:Lipid Blend ~ 18g Dairy Lipids Sunflower Oil MCT's Coconut Oil L-Carnitine Mono & Diglycerides and finally: Creatine Potentiator Blend ~ 3g Creatine Monohydrate Betaine Arginine Methionine and last, 1mg of boron. right now I've been using the Natures Best Isopure protein and creatine... this seems to mix better, and though I've not tried the chocolate isopure, the max milk doesn't taste bad at all... considering picking more of this up later... just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on it. pros, cons, whatever. heres hoping its not a bad thing to have before bed... normally i'm happy with my isopure, a glass of water and a little creatine after a workout... but doesn't have any casein in it... meh. i'm ranting.

tize fake ass muscle milk while i am aware of that... i prefer eas products

tize im drinking eas choco whey right now cuz they sell it at walmart any idea what the IU stands for? the EAS RTD's I usually drink are the 17oz Mocha Latte in the AM, Cookies and Cream before lunch, and French Vanilla before Dinner (or I'll make a water/isopure/sugar free raspberry drink instead), then dinner is two chicken breasts and some brocolli, and before bed, its usually another isopure mix with some liquid vitamins (tastes like shit though, but atleast its vanilla isopure, not chocolate ) considering doing the lower carb EAS RTD's but not sure, since i'm running around on my feet all day i think that'd be bad

oh yeah, I got my case of Mocha Latte today for $25 because I ordered 3 more cases of the things for next week, so they said they'd give me a discount... wasn't that nice? (new apartment is right behind the supplement store i go to )

i know it had to do with vitamins ass I figured it was something unit... odd way to measure that... the fuck is an international unit?

tize where do you see IU in the first place i always see it on my vitamins thats all i ever see it on is vitamins... nothing else never realized it till earlier today when i was looking at things. thats why i asked int he oringal post wtf it was

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

I would like some advice.

I would like some advice.

Alright, Im 5'7 , 180 pounds, and im 19. Im in horrible shape right now, andI 'm looking to lose weight, and gain strength, but i need some help. What are the best foods to include in a diet? How many calories should i take in a day? Any major tips? My excercise is basically going to be a lot of lifting, and a lot of biking. My diets the biggest part that needs help though, Im a very picky eater, and i've been living off macaroni and cheese lately. Thanks!

read stickies

read the sticky. /thread

I would like some advice.

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

So you have just woken up, and you NEED to hit the gym right now, since it closes in two hours. You havn't eaten or drank anything since waking up. Do you go to the gym on an empty stomach? or eat some fruit? or some bread? or some protein?

rye bread & raspberry jam & down 30g of liquid protein or so.

dextrose + sucrose + free-form AA's (or whey)

if you are trying to lose weight/fat, then just go.. but make sure you drink water! but if you are trying to bulk up or maintain, then i would drink some protien drink, or eat a fruit..

ANIMALPAK VITAMINS. Thats all you need.

Get some carbs and some protein.

Ceaze dextrose + sucrose + free-form AA's (or whey)

what are you trying to do at the gym? heavy lifting, cardio(for how long), or yoga(empty stomach for sure),.. depends what you are gonna do.

devilangel if you are trying to lose weight/fat, then just go.. but make sure you drink water! but if you are trying to bulk up or maintain, then i would drink some protien drink, or eat a fruit..

tize go back to your myspace forums, did acura give you this address??? im a legit member here. and myspace forum sucks my ass!

tize <3 you mackin on me? hahhaha

prolly a weight gain shake 600 calories + 52 g protien + 15 ounces of water= win

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

gravity boots...

gravity boots...

the type you hook on a chin bar... how much do they go for? And are they worth it or not?

i was also curious about those things

I was recommended to get an inversion table for the lower back but I figure the g-boots would also allow me to do some exercises.

I would be afraid of the boots coming unhooked and falling, I've seen someone using them before though, look like they'd be a good exercise

i finally assembled my gravity table and started using it. i haven't gone to full inversion yet, but even at a 30 degree angle it really does help both my lower back and neck. the model i got is called teeter hangups f5000 i think and i had the option to get the gravity boots with it for 80 bucks more but i didn't. if you can, i would get a table over the boots timberwolf, the flexiblity of choosing your angle of inversion and the safety make it worth it to me.

what if you couldn't get down and you toppled over the really expensive fish tank in a gigilo's apartment? no but on a serious note, you can do sit ups with a partner by hanging off his stomach with your legs...yeah sounds really gay but I do it for fight training. Jump up and wrap your legs around the guys waist with your hands around his neck. Let go of his neck, lower down and touch your head to the ground then go up and touch your head to his chest. If you can't do them by yourself grab onto his hands for a little extra help...this is more sport specific as it really works your legs to hold onto the other person, similar to keeping them in your guard on the ground.

joy division what if you couldn't get down and you toppled over the really expensive fish tank in a gigilo's apartment? no but on a serious note, you can do sit ups with a partner by hanging off his stomach with your legs...yeah sounds really gay but I do it for fight training. Jump up and wrap your legs around the guys waist with your hands around his neck. Let go of his neck, lower down and touch your head to the ground then go up and touch your head to his chest. If you can't do them by yourself grab onto his hands for a little extra help...this is more sport specific as it really works your legs to hold onto the other person, similar to keeping them in your guard on the ground. WHAT THE GAY?

Undefined i finally assembled my gravity table and started using it. i haven't gone to full inversion yet, but even at a 30 degree angle it really does help both my lower back and neck. the model i got is called teeter hangups f5000 i think and i had the option to get the gravity boots with it for 80 bucks more but i didn't. if you can, i would get a table over the boots timberwolf, the flexiblity of choosing your angle of inversion and the safety make it worth it to me. Yeah, the inversion boots are definitely recomended above the gravity boots. Glad you got it. As I said besides the cost I really wouldn't have the space.

timberwolf Yeah, the inversion boots are definitely recomended above the gravity boots. Glad you got it. As I said besides the cost I really wouldn't have the space. yea man, i couldn't afford it either but i am willing to put myself in debt when it comes to my health. i charged my visa and its been worth it. as for the space, the model i got folds up to where its only a few inches wide and a few feet high.

joy division Jump up and wrap your legs around the guys waist with your hands around his neck. Let go of his neck, lower down and touch your head to the ground then go up and touch your head to his chest. If you can't do them by yourself grab onto his hands for a little extra help...

Fishbait that was exactly my feeling also.

Ha Ha. This thread is hilarious. On a serious note, I used gravity boots for a long period of time and they were absolutely amazing. You can work so much more and through a far greater field of motion. I wish I owned some.

gravity boots...

do stretch marks ever go away?

do stretch marks ever go away?

or are they there permanently?

they fade over time but i don't think they ever really go away 100%

jonno they fade over time but i don't think they ever really go away 100%

i just started getting them on the inside of my bi's...i dont even wear tanktops anymore its so embarassing.

I just tell people that I was attacked by a mountain lion as a kid.

they keep getting bigger on my bis and now they are going on to the top of my pecs. it means i am getting bigger at least!

Ive had them where my bi meets my pectoral for 6 years. They faded but you can still easily see them.

nellystyles i just started getting them on the inside of my bi's...i dont even wear tanktops anymore its so embarassing. i don't think i'm embarassed that i have them, since it shows how much i've lost in the span of my workouts. it's a nuisance to look in the mirror from my point of view. no one who has seen me in the buff has made any degrading remarks but it's just annoying for me to look at.

iwishiwascool Ive had them where my bi meets my pectoral for 6 years. They faded but you can still easily see them. same for me, but add to that my lower end sides.

Mine were from getting bigger very rapidly in highschool.

nellystyles i just started getting them on the inside of my bi's...i dont even wear tanktops anymore its so embarassing. I have them too, i use cocoa butter every other day or so b4 i go to bed and they FADE. Won't go away. I still wear tanktops daily and am not worried about it. Battle scars

PNHWrestler I have them too, i use cocoa butter every other day or so b4 i go to bed and they FADE. Won't go away. I still wear tanktops daily and am not worried about it. Battle scars i just started using the cocoa, they're fading pretty good as of a week or so. I have the ones like everyone says too by your pec/armpit, looks like i was stabbed

tan them suckers away!

when I grew in weight I got them on my sides. but now they're gone. it takes a couple years. some kind of silicone gel or cream helps speed that up

mine have faded to a silvery color (not very different than my skin tone, I'm ghostly) but they've never gone away, nor will they.

If you use Cocoa Butter on yer skin, it helps, one the marks that is. Yeah, also tan...I was telling myself after I bulk up again gonna get a tanning subscription to tan dem away! LoL, I have some on my stomach when I used to be fat =/

White If you use Cocoa Butter on yer skin, it helps, one the marks that is. Yeah, also tan...I was telling myself after I bulk up again gonna get a tanning subscription to tan dem away! LoL, I have some on my stomach when I used to be fat =/ Yah the cocoa works well. I'm also fairly confident there is a prescription drug that helps. Its meant to reduce scaring, its worth asking your doc about next check up.

mederma every other day and cocoa butter on the off days, it works wonders but no they never completely go away

dont they have those lotion that take away stretch marks?

Joser dont they have those lotion that take away stretch marks? if you're referring to surgery, yes

Joser dont they have those lotion that take away stretch marks? my mom uses the stuff and swears it works.. i doubt it does. and i'm not going to ask my mom to see her thighs

Ilyusha I just tell people that I was attacked by a mountain lion as a kid. a good story that would make

I've have them from working out my chest, right between my shoulders and my Pecs. I noticed them when I was 16 and they just kept getting bigger as I kept working out, five years later there starting to fade, but still noticeable. I heard Mederma works good on stretch marks, but it's expensive and you have to use it 3-4 times a day for 8-12 weeks.

if yours went away, you obviously dont have the stretch marks we are talking about... Mine were so large at one point that they ripped open a bit. Now in that area the skin feels very thin, as if the lower layers arent really there.

crazy, I have like zero stretch marks. maybe certain skin types are more prone.

do stretch marks ever go away?

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