Whenever I take whey protein shakes
I have to take a massive shit 20-30 mintues afterwards and its explosive
yeah boyeeee and gas like a mother fucker.
ryazbeck yeah boyeeee and gas like a mother fucker. yeh wtf is taht supposed to happen
you aren't lactose intolerant are you? I am and have to take lactaid. Either that or you need to get used to the shakes
taqman15 you aren't lactose intolerant are you? I am and have to take lactaid. Either that or you need to get used to the shakes I know my dad is and I noticed I am a little extra sensitive to some dairy products maybe this just kills me I will take some lactaid next time
Cause my ass was pretty much bleeding this morning
i did alot a year ago when i started using it, anymore it doesnt make a difference
Opi i did alot a year ago when i started using it, anymore it doesnt make a difference
FrozynFyre Cause my ass was pretty much bleeding this morning pics
FrozynFyre haha, how long have you been using whey?
Opi haha, how long have you been using whey? 2 days
FrozynFyre 2 days haha, just keep at it, Its helped me a lot, you just gotta get past the first few weeks of excessive poo and gas
i used to have bad shits too, and found out i was lactose intollerant...so i use water...and no longer have bad shits
deznutz i used to have bad shits too, and found out i was lactose intollerant...so i use water...and no longer have bad shits Its not like ive never had milk before mayeb I should start using water to
I wouldnt have thought I was lactose till I had the shakes
Im going to go try one with water
FrozynFyre Its not like ive never had milk before mayeb I should start using water to it never gave me problems before......just happened when i found out the nice protein level and vitamins in milk and would drink a lot of it ....protein shakes and casually drink it
it mixed 100 times better tastes pretty much the same and it seems better with water
FrozynFyre it mixed 100 times better tastes pretty much the same and it seems better with water it def. tastes better with milk...it does mix better with cold water....but it tastes like crap with water, but ive gotten used to it
Mine doesnt taste bad at all
FrozynFyre Mine doesnt taste bad at all ok it doesnt taste "bad" but compared to my milk shakes it does
my dad told me he drinks soy milk and that I can use it whenever I want It will probaly taste better than water
Looks like the water did the trick I will try the soy milk tonight
being lactose is teh lose
I actually stoped using milk because it was bad for my skin, I have real annoying bacne and the milk wasnt helping any
Whenever I take whey protein shakes