Saturday, January 25, 2014

So I finally stopped procrastinating and joined the gym.

So I finally stopped procrastinating and joined the gym.

I have been saying I was going to do it forever now and I finally got off my ass and did it. Anyways after reading the sticky by christophers I have a question. But first my goal I need to get from 33 % BF yes I am a fat ass. To 26 % BF. Or 285 # to 203 # which ever happens first. If I read the sticky right I need to eat ass loads of protein, and lift big. I maxed out at 215 on bench its the only thing I really did other than spend 45 minutes on the tredmill today. Will protein plus large weight get rid of my fat? I am in a hurry like 3 months to get down to 26 % Is this possible? If it is any help setting up a diet and work out routine would be greatly and I mean so greatly appreciated. Im going to read the noob sticky right now but here is what I have sort of set my diet at any corrections would be great. After reading the sticky I am thinking of upping protein even more and cutting out alot if not most of the carbs. Good or bad idea? Daily calories 2250 Protein intake 275 grams Fat intake 20 % 450 calories Carbohydrates = rest of calories

christophers the diet looks fine. lift + do cardio 3-4 times a week and youll be fine. Are there any specific exercises I should do? I know arms are pretty much a waste of time, or vanity muscles. The majority of my fat is attached to my gut, chest and legs. Any recomendations on what foods i should be eating to get my carbs and protein. I am on a very limited budget I only make 5.15 a hour so expensive suplements are out of the question.

Damn that sounds dumb I know I cant spot lose fat but I dont know what excersises or lifts to do to get the most benifit.

Silver85327 Damn that sounds dumb I know I cant spot lose fat but I dont know what excersises or lifts to do to get the most benifit. then do the most compound lifts you can... just make sure you get your form right before piling on weight. if you're not worried about "vanity muscles" maybe you could start with christophers "this is what built me a base" routine...

christophers do the routine rummy linked you to. a good deal of ppl dont need direct bicep work to get decent arms. I just bookmarked it. Im going to the gym now I am going to research proper form on the excersises you have listed there, and then start that routine on friday.

Real quick what is 5rm? I know everything in your monday routine so Im going to use that today. But i dont have search feature so I cant look to see what 5rm is

just remember you can join every gym in america and not gain any progress, unfortunately the membership card doesn't effect health directly

christophers 5 rep max my suggestion is to take 2-3 weeks of 4 sets of 10 before you go into the routine as designated you must learn proper form before you get into havier stuff. so take the workout and for the areas that say 5rm and 3rm, just do 4 sets of 8-10 I only did 3 sets today. I couldnt get the 4th one up. I think I may have started way to close to my max. For example on my bench I worked 200 # 3x10 and when I went to do my fourth set I had such a hard time getting the bar up I didnt dare try to lower and lift I would have got stuck I know it. On my inclined DB press I forgot what reps i was supposed to do when I got to the gym so I just did 3x8 with 35 # db in each hand. The squats I didnt do as I have never done squats and I couldnt figure out how to use the weird ass rack they have. I did 155 3x10 on DL I was scared to hurt my back so I went easy as I wasnt sure on my form. Im going to try going a bit earlier in the day so I can catch some of the guys in there to ask for a spot while I figure out my max. I am kind of regreting joining the gym I did. I went in there today and there were 2 females working weighing in at approximatly 135 each around 23ish years old, and 1 guy about 50 years old not fat but soft looking. I am seriously doubting my safety if I try to do GM or find a max on my squats, I know those people would not be able to lift the weight off me.

You can bench 200x10x3 and you just joined a gym?

Ilyusha You can bench 200x10x3 and you just joined a gym? im 6ft tall and weight 285 pounds

Not to mention I do pretty physical labor alot so I dunno, maybe im just naturally strong? Not like you can see any muscle on me I have bitch tits

tuna is a good source of well as turkey and chicken and eggs

That's still pretty strong for never working out.. that's like a 250lb max or so.

Ilyusha That's still pretty strong for never working out.. that's like a 250lb max or so. are you implying that I am lieing? Thats what I take that smily face to mean.

christophers someone post the exercise site for this guy its lone of the few sites that displays stuff like good mornings correctly. i dont have it bookmarked. This one? It sure looks like a nice gym in those pictures.

So I finally stopped procrastinating and joined the gym.

critique me *pic*

critique me *pic*

not the best pic, but its the most recent Ive got without a shirt on. not a great angle either but, tell me what needs improvement and what I *should* be doing thanks !

oh yeah, I just started cutting a few weeks ago. I hate this shit also, 6'2'' 210-215lbs

why is someone taking pics of you shirtless looking at condimints? Also look pretty good to me, work your upper pec more for now

stop shopping at albertson's first off

PurEvl why is someone taking pics of you shirtless looking at condimints? Also look pretty good to me, work your upper pec more for now can you explain why women do the things they do ? neither can I

Mass stop shopping at albertson's first off their lowfat cottage cheese is sooo good

PurEvl why is someone taking pics of you shirtless looking at condimints? Also look pretty good to me, work your upper pec more for now I agree with what the fat man said

take a better picture! like front and back.

your not asian why do u have that sauce!

AmCo your not asian why do u have that sauce!

AmCo your not asian why do u have that sauce! its good stuff, been using it for years

that stuff in your hand is good. work your pecs, looks good, you should bulk

You look good.. just get bigger. Especially the upper chest.

Delts and arms look good, work on upper chest. But you look big, I can't wait until i'm at that weight and lean.

kdubb's on the sauce!?!?!?!

Mass kdubb's on the sauce!?!?!?! obviously, look at the sex muscle

you kind of look like this guy Dominick Toretto I used to know. Worked at a small grocery store, drove a red rx7.

Mass kdubb's on the sauce!?!?!?! i think I might have some juice in the fridge as well

Socrates you kind of look like this guy Dominick Toretto I used to know. Worked at a small grocery store, drove a red rx7. did he have NOS?


SteveO did he have NOS? Yes! Under his seat....


SteveO obviously, look at the sex muscle

step 1) stop being bigger than me

whats your diet look like?

critique me *pic*

Friday, January 24, 2014

Whenever I take whey protein shakes

Whenever I take whey protein shakes

I have to take a massive shit 20-30 mintues afterwards and its explosive

yeah boyeeee and gas like a mother fucker.

ryazbeck yeah boyeeee and gas like a mother fucker. yeh wtf is taht supposed to happen

you aren't lactose intolerant are you? I am and have to take lactaid. Either that or you need to get used to the shakes

taqman15 you aren't lactose intolerant are you? I am and have to take lactaid. Either that or you need to get used to the shakes I know my dad is and I noticed I am a little extra sensitive to some dairy products maybe this just kills me I will take some lactaid next time

Cause my ass was pretty much bleeding this morning

i did alot a year ago when i started using it, anymore it doesnt make a difference

Opi i did alot a year ago when i started using it, anymore it doesnt make a difference

FrozynFyre Cause my ass was pretty much bleeding this morning pics

FrozynFyre haha, how long have you been using whey?

Opi haha, how long have you been using whey? 2 days

FrozynFyre 2 days haha, just keep at it, Its helped me a lot, you just gotta get past the first few weeks of excessive poo and gas

i used to have bad shits too, and found out i was lactose i use water...and no longer have bad shits

deznutz i used to have bad shits too, and found out i was lactose i use water...and no longer have bad shits Its not like ive never had milk before mayeb I should start using water to

I wouldnt have thought I was lactose till I had the shakes

Im going to go try one with water

FrozynFyre Its not like ive never had milk before mayeb I should start using water to it never gave me problems before......just happened when i found out the nice protein level and vitamins in milk and would drink a lot of it ....protein shakes and casually drink it

it mixed 100 times better tastes pretty much the same and it seems better with water

FrozynFyre it mixed 100 times better tastes pretty much the same and it seems better with water it def. tastes better with does mix better with cold water....but it tastes like crap with water, but ive gotten used to it

Mine doesnt taste bad at all

FrozynFyre Mine doesnt taste bad at all ok it doesnt taste "bad" but compared to my milk shakes it does

my dad told me he drinks soy milk and that I can use it whenever I want It will probaly taste better than water

Looks like the water did the trick I will try the soy milk tonight

being lactose is teh lose

I actually stoped using milk because it was bad for my skin, I have real annoying bacne and the milk wasnt helping any

Whenever I take whey protein shakes

Anything come even close to 1AD now that it's pulled?

Anything come even close to 1AD now that it's pulled?

haven't been doing much research lately. But I'd like to find some kind of replacement sometime soon. I seem to be stuck at around 190.


Grouch steroids I'm going to mexico in 2 weeks too...I'm tempted, I just hate needles and dbol alone doesn't seem to be worth it.

Intellex I'm going to mexico in 2 weeks too...I'm tempted, I just hate needles and dbol alone doesn't seem to be worth it. i want to go to mexico.

Grouch i want to go to mexico. We're renting a house in Rosarito for a couple days. One of the guys I'm going with is picking up a cycle. I did a cycle back when, but I progress enough on my own usually. I actually gained nearly as much on 1AD as I did on my cycle, kept more of it too.

i have 2 bottles of s1+ sitting here

mike i have 2 bottles of s1+ sitting here Wanna part with one of em?

Intellex Wanna part with one of em? One won't do much

I hear Superdrol makes good gains.

I still have a bottle of M1T...

Alt+F4 I still have a bottle of M1T... .


Mike, ill take those two bottles if you wanna part with them

i still got a bottle of m1t too..i bet ill end up throwing the shit away.dont even know why i bought it.

Intellex did you notice any side effects from the 1-AD?

Let me gets this right. The stuff you used to take became illegal, so instead you will just take a different illegal substance. Brilliant!

Incog91 Let me gets this right. The stuff you used to take became illegal, so instead you will just take a different illegal substance. Brilliant! it's probably easier to get juice now rather than something like 1AD or M1T


Incog91 Let me gets this right. The stuff you used to take became illegal, so instead you will just take a different illegal substance. Brilliant! I think you need a collective slap in the face from all the brolies in there for being a god damned moron.

I believe I said in the last PH thread that there will be no public discussion of buying or selling around here. Keep it to PM's please.

I have a bottle of t4.

I know a guy who has a whole case of 1ad. Prob like 30 bottles of it. Im picking some off of him. I am in need of 4ad however.

There's a guy I know who owns a supplement shop here and he used to push most of the PHs in town. I bought my 1-AD 4-AD stack from him before the ban was in effect. I ran into him last week and he said that some new PHs are coming out that use completely different ingredients to get through the ban. Supposedly,if I remember what he told me right, they were thinking about revising the bill but that if they didn't the new stuff would be coming out sometime this summer. Fuck me, if only I could remember what it was called.

Anything come even close to 1AD now that it's pulled?

Where's Mike McShit?

Where's Mike McShit?

too funny man, im glad you didn't do it.

that thread was awesome. that is all.

cliffs on drama? edit: oh wait, teh fazlay thread?

^^ yeah

Is this something main forum related?


Fill a nigga in?

Some guy's account is hacked, 404 proclaims modship for doing so, Fazle says he has to poop his pants first. The pooping is done. Mike Mcdermott watched 404notfound poop himself and posted penny pics of shit in pants.

do you know about the crystalscan drama?

Demize do you know about the crystalscan drama? yeah i was talking to that person on aim..

jonno Some guy's account is hacked, 404 proclaims modship for doing so, Fazle says he has to poop his pants first. The pooping is done. Mike Mcdermott watched 404notfound poop himself and posted penny pics of shit in pants. omg

Where's Mike McShit?

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

I know it's a topic here every day but i wanted to get some advice. I'm doing good with my cut but would like to do better. :impatient: I think i have my diet done pretty well. im getting 2000-2500 cal a day 200-300g protein and about 70%/30% carbs/fat. I lift MWTF and 7 days befor i hit the same groop cardio on that days off and nothing on sunday, i also cheat for sunday dinners. is the stack going to help me alot of am i doing enough as is? again im happy with the results but if the stack is going to speed it up considerably ill try it. what do ya guys think? clifffs for the lazy: my diet/workout is good, is the stack worth it?

im saying if im getting my 2-3 pounds a week, is this going to increase that by any real amount?

Demize im saying if im getting my 2-3 pounds a week, is this going to increase that by any real amount? 2-3 pounds sounds a bit ghigh, the ECY does not burn the fat so much as it decreases hunger...

i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE

wtf dude

Demize i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE i went with vasapro, Mistich recomended it, alot of people are out of it ATM, I went with yohimbine from bulk nutrition, and cafiene from them aswell.

Demize i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE Clcik here

Demize I know it's a topic here every day but i wanted to get some advice. I'm doing good with my cut but would like to do better. :impatient: I think i have my diet done pretty well. im getting 2000-2500 cal a day 200-300g protein and about 70%/30% carbs/fat. I lift MWTF and 7 days befor i hit the same groop cardio on that days off and nothing on sunday, i also cheat for sunday dinners. is the stack going to help me alot of am i doing enough as is? again im happy with the results but if the stack is going to speed it up considerably ill try it. what do ya guys think? o clifffs for the lazy: my diet/workout is good, is the stack worth it? How much do you weigh? How much carbs and how much fat do you have per day?

I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein.

well i ate some pizza today lol weight= 190

just stick with your diet..

Neo22 I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein. I don't think he has *too much* protein at all.

should i do some e just to get bonkers on the weights once a week? one week i go bonkers on arms/abs next week legs etc ect. @ once a week will i build a tolerance?

i love teh protein, eat some raw eggs and red meat, flip out and kill some weight!

GilgaMesH I don't think he has *too much* protein at all. Compared to his fats and carbs he does.

Neo22 I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein. he's right, this will be an unsuccessful cut without dietary changes. you may find that you end up with less lbm/fat mass. according to your fitday log, your ratios are 10%fat, 27%carb, and 63% protein. if you're adding protein powder on top of that, the ratios are more skewed with way too much protein. you need more carbs and fat if you want to lose fat instead of muscle. even with that much protein, your body will be burning it as the primary fuel instead of releasing fat to burn.

i think you're asking for low blood sugar problems and i'd be surprised if you can maintain your current lbm thru this cut with the thermo

Well today im going to add some home made cookeis to my diet infact im eating one right now! would adding some friut and nut throughout the day get my carb/fat levels where they should be?

Demize Well today im going to add some home made cookeis to my diet infact im eating one right now! would adding some friut and nut throughout the day get my carb/fat levels where they should be? I'd go for between 60-80g of fat daily. YOU need fat when you are cutting. It should be around 25% of your intake.

vettedude 2-3 pounds sounds a bit ghigh, the ECY does not burn the fat so much as it decreases hunger... it increases lipolysis

Ceaze it increases lipolysis

Neo22 I'd go for between 60-80g of fat daily. YOU need fat when you are cutting. It should be around 25% of your intake. are you serious? for women too? i'm taking lipo 6 and i've been more concious about eating more protein and cals...but i'm still trying to cut down on my carbs/ fat. is this wrong? god im so confused

BrickTamland i started it today im pretty fucking jittery from the last 200mg of caffeine but i'm supposed to take another 200mg with ephedrine now give it a few days. my first day i was cracked out. now i can feel the energy, but i dont feel the sides at all.

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

One of our fat noobs whats to fight me.

One of our fat noobs whats to fight me.

push his shit in


Grab him around the waste and crunk him till his spleen pops out of his mouth.

One of our fat noobs whats to fight me.

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